Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

In Novosibirsk ASDU of boiler houses is expanded

Customers: Novosibirsk Russia investment construction company

Novosibirsk; Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: Krug, NPF
Product: PTK KRUG-2000

Project date: 2016/03  - 2016/05

In Novosibirsk the system of automated management (SAM) of the boiler house of the residential complex Cedar is integrated into the operating ASDU of boiler houses.

The gas boiler house of Russia investment construction company services the extensive residential complex Cedar recognized one of the best in Novosibirsk. The boiler house has as a part of the 4th boiler with a total power of 8 MW.

ASDU of boiler houses based on the Russian KRUG-2000 software and hardware complex (PTK KRUG-2000) is put into operation in 2010 by Stimul company (Novosibirsk), the partner of NPF KRUG.

ASDU ensures functioning of the boiler houses connected to it on "deserted" technology, with a possibility of a remote stop of the equipment in case of emergency. Main Functions: collecting, archiving and information representation about a condition of equipment and operation parameters of the boiler house, report generation for operation personnel.

Collecting and transfer to ASDU of parameters from local SAU of boilers is provided by means of the industrial DevLink-C1000 controller. The following data on each boiler are transferred to ASDU from boiler houses:

  • water supply temperature in a boiler
  • water feed pressure
  • status of all shut-off and control valves.

The ASDU further expansion due to connection to it of new objects is planned.

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