Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Zaytsevo St., 67A, office 408A
GrowthBusinessConsulting LLC is a partner of 1C Company with aprelya2014. Regular information and technology support of 1C and implementation of services 1C:ITS - the priority directions of GrowthBusinessConsulting LLC. Implementing standards of information and technology support of 1C, employee competence level was succeeded to raise the companies, to adjust regulations of work and to improve quality of maintenance of clients. GrowthBusinessConsulting LLC has in the state the certified employees with practical experience of implementation and support of software products of 1C. The GrowthBusinessConsulting company renders services in the field of management, finance, production consulting (setting of accounting, budgeting, modeling and business process optimization, an organization structure of the enterprise, etc.).
Main activities:
- Sale, implementation and support of programs 1C: Enterprise
- Information and technology soprovozhdeniye1s
- Consultations on accounting methodology in 1C
- Training in work with programs and services 1C
- Adaptation of programs and services 1C