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Blackburn Svetlana (Svetlana Blackburn)


2016: Claim to Oracle for coercion to a juggling of financial statements

On June 1, 2016 the former accountant of Oracle Svetlana Blekbern filed a lawsuit against the company, having accused her of wrongful dismissal because of unwillingness to participate in a juggling of financial results in cloud business, Reuters reports.

A claim was submitted to District court in San Francisco. In the complaint Svetlana Blekbern said that heads of Oracle required from it "insert square data into round openings" to improve indicators of work of division of Oracle Cloud Services.

The ex-accountant of Oracle accuses the company of overestimate of cloud revenue

By words Blackburn, the administration asked it to add millions of dollars to cash receipts of business "without indication of specific and predictable accounts which would confirm these digits". She did not begin to forge these, but higher heads all the same attributed the companies nonexistent income. About what amounts there is a speech, it is not specified.

Svetlana Blekbern claims that she was dismissed on October 15, 2015 — in several weeks after she promised to make public accounting frauds in cloud business and in two months after successful passing of verification of the reporting.

The representative of Oracle Deborah Hellinger reported that the company does not agree with charges and resolutely intends to uphold the correctness.

According to the results of the third quarter of the 2016 financial year which came to the end on February 29 the 2016th calendar revenue of Oracle from sales of cloud solutions reached $735 million, having increased by 40% year on year and having made 8% in the total turnover of the producer. The most part of income of Oracle (about 70%) is still brought by the local software set on computers of clients.

In March, 2016 the CEO of Oracle Safra Catz said that cloud business of the company is in "hyper growth phase".[1]

In February, 2017 Oracle settled the claim, the compensation amount is not reported.
