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2016/06/07 14:32:26

Interview of TAdviser with the Head of Department of the software and hardware of the Digital center "ION" Alexey Zaytsev

Questions of TAdviser on different aspects of implementation and operation of a new ERP system from 1C were answered by Alexey Zaytsev, the Head of Department of the software and hardware, the Digital center "ION".

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the management sees Now budgets in real time

From the moment of implementation "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" passed more than a year. The logic of the choice of this solution is clear – in the company also other products from 1C work. What short background of the project?

Alexey Zaytsev: The project started about three years ago. Complex implementation of the selected product on all sections of accounting, including accounting according to IFRS was originally planned, but as a result stopped on the flowing, a little truncated implementation option. We date the beginning of commercial operation January of last year. According to the results of the last one and a half years, we were not disappointed in the selected solution – works steadily, the scalability of a system increased, within its further development even more global tasks are set today.

What key parameters of a configuration of the implemented system?

Alexey Zaytsev: Our company incorporates several legal entities therefore the task of creation of a system with the single database and the convenient system of settlement between the organizations was initially set. Such configuration was also implemented. After implementation of the new ERP platform system performance increased, it ceased to brake that happened earlier.

In what directions did development of a system go?

Alexey Zaytsev: We consistently automated accounting, operational accounting, personnel records and payroll calculation, budgeting and planning.

How many legal entities as a part of the company? With what systems they worked before implementation and how data migration was implemented?

Alexey Zaytsev: Four legal entities are a part of the company, in all also products from 1C, but - outdate for today, and the main problem - worked with different databases. With data migration to the new ERP platform there were difficulties as data structures not always matched, available in the previous systems, and in a new solution. Partly difficulties were connected with the fact that configurations of data in the previous systems were finished under specific features of business processes of each legal entity. We independently, with assistance of specialists of 1C, configured a configuration for unloading of data and all difficulties which faced at data migration solved.

Whether a new ERP system under requirements of the company was improved during implementation?

Alexey Zaytsev: We implemented a standard system, and on the party finished nothing. If during operation any defects or need for new functionality became clear, we sent information on them to 1C, they entered changes into the system, including them in the standard configuration.

Whether SLA on support of a system from vendor is concluded or a system is supported by own forces?

Alexey Zaytsev: It is necessary to consider that at the time of the beginning of an implementation project "1C: ERP Enterprise Management" there was only a beta of a system which we also purchased. Respectively, after purchase to us appointed the curator who began to be responsible for problem solving, arising during implementation and operation of a system. Thus, we participated in pilot implementation of the young ERP solution therefore also we had no agreement on support of a system from 1C and is not present up to that moment. During operation of a system there is free information exchange on its functioning if it is required – on its completion. And any bilateral financial liabilities on maintenance and completion of the ERP solution with the developer we have no.

Arose during operation supercomplex, unforeseen problems?

Alexey Zaytsev: We assumed that difficulties will be especially as a system was new, but all arising problems were quite solvable routinely. Especially as the developer quickly responded to our requests.

What key parameters of a system for today – where it is set, quantity of jobs? Whether the license policy of vendor arranges the company?

Alexey Zaytsev: The solution is set and is operated only at the central office of the company, the quantity of jobs is about 150 for today. The license policy of 1C rather transparent and stable therefore – yes, arranges.

What plans for ERP system development in the current year?

Alexey Zaytsev: This year we are going to integrate, having executed end-to-end automation, business processes on human resource management, – opening of vacancies, selection of candidates according to declarations, their check on security, acceptance to the state, training, career in the company, dismissal. Before we partially automated these sections, today work in this direction is already conducted as the corresponding functionality in a new solution of 1C is implemented. In the long term we are also going to replace the existing self-written system of commodity accounting and sales, also with functionality from 1C - after emergence of the corresponding functions in the new ERP platform.

So there is no functionality of retail sales in a new ERP system yet?

Alexey Zaytsev: Support and maintenance of retail sales in a system are not implemented in full yet and with that functionality in what sales happen in practice. We expect emergence of this functionality, and, as far as we know, it is already developed by 1C.

Whether there were new opportunities at company management in connection with ERP system implementation?

Alexey Zaytsev: Based on a new system for company management an opportunity to analyze a business situation and to predict its development on the basis of the data obtained from one, the general for all legal entities and divisions of a source of information is implemented. Now the management sees budgets in real time, can monitor their execution, control and plan trade inventories and sales.