Customers: CarPrice (Karprays, Selanikar)
Contractors: ActiveCloud by Softline (Aktivkhost of RU) Product: 1C: Enterprise - 1CaaS (1C of as a service)Project date: 2016/03 - 2016/09
Content |
On June 20, 2016 the ActiveCloud company announced delivery of cloud IT infrastructure to[1].
Project Tasks
The company manages 34 representations in 18 regions of Russia. For implementation of plans for further development, the company needed failsafe scalable infrastructure. As the IT partner ActiveCloud is selected.
Project Progress
ActiveCloud provided to the customer service of 1C in "cloud". Within this service the packet of modern accounting and financial programs with databases of any volumes is developed on productive, failsafe servers. By means of this service the carrying out of applications of 1C and corporate databases of the organization on remote servers, with secure access from any place where there is an access to the network becomes possible. All information on the server is stored in encrypted form. Placement of 1C in "cloud" is convenient for the companies having a distributed network of offices.
During the project several servers as a part of which configurations Ultra and Fast disks are deployed. For work of databases the solutions Microsoft SQL Server on the scheme of lease are used that provided providing the solution of vendor at the affordable price.
In connection with the developed economic country situation and expense optimization on internal services more and more large companies turn towards "clouds" for the purpose of economy and stability augmentation of work of IT infrastructure. During the project we could unroll quickly and quickly infrastructure for, competently booked audit and picked up the necessary solutions. Certainly it was the interesting project. |
Cloud computing "1C" is confidential information protection. Databases physically are absent on office resources that allows to exclude information leak or loss in case of failure of computers and servers of the company. Is responsible for infrastructure maintenance ActiveCloud, and tasks, work-related databases, were implemented on Microsoft SQL Server which we rent at Activecloudpo the program Microsoft SPLA. Thus cloud computing allowed us to receive flexibility of resources, to get rid of capital costs, having passed to monthly payments, to increase availability and quality of service. |