Customers: Carpet House Contractors: Ansoft Product: Avarda.ERPProject date: 2009/09
About the Customer
Activity of Carpet House company integrates the different directions: retail by products for dressing and final finishing of premises, production of carpets and curtains to order on own production, booking for production of individual coverings at partner factories, work with corporate clients, including a covering flooring on the client's objects, dealer activity.
The Carpet House company works at the Russian market more than 14 years. The retail network of the company integrates network of salons in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Kazan, Ryazan and Samara and also a number of regional dealers.
Quantity of the automated jobs
About 100
Automation objects The central office, shops in Moscow, workshops on tailoring and on production of carpets, a warehouse
Premises of system implementation of AVARDA in Carpet House company
To system implementation of AVARDA separate activities of Carpet House company were automated by different programs - from self-written solutions based on Oracle to Excel. Existence of a large number of the diverse software in IT infrastructure considerably complicated conducting operational and management accounting in the company.
Here only some main shortcomings of the being available system which caused its replacement:
- Lack of a full range of reports for carrying out analytics
- Lack of detailed information on work of each division
- Lack of the single database about the performed operations
- Lack of a possibility of the centralized service of IT infrastructure (managements of security settings and custom configurations)
- Additional load of personnel for the account accomplishment of routine transactions: introduction manually large number of data, frequent duplication of information
The question of implementation of the unified information system in the leading circles of the company was brought up not once, but dismissal of the programmer who independently developed the program for operational accounting was of action the direct cause. In the circumstances the company management of Carpet House considered the most right decision to buy a system from the reliable software maker on whom it would be possible to rely in the long term.
The rich basic functionality, scalability, existence of a powerful data exchange system, reasonable implementation cost and supports became the main requirements to the new automation system. Specialists of Carpet House company considered the main western and domestic ERP solutions for trade. The AVARDA.RetailNetwork system developed by Ansoft company was recognized the most conforming to the imposed requirements.
Project Objectives
As a main objective of system implementation of AVARDA the management of Carpet House saw increase in transparency and controllability of the company in each separate direction it activity. For this purpose within the project of automation it was necessary to solve the following problems:
- Organize a common information space of the company
- Carry out complex automation of all aspects of multi-profile business of the company
- Exclude the "self-written" systems from use
- Create a uniform standard method of obtaining any information on activity of firm
Project Progress
The implementation project of the ERP system of AVARDA started in 2002. The company management of Carpet House decided to automate first of all the central office of the company and the Moscow retail network, and in case of successful implementation, to replicate the solution on all network.
Implementation took place with the minimum completions, the existing functionality of the AVARDA system which considers features wholesale and retail at the same time was whenever possible used. In general, in the course of adaptation of the software for specifics of business of Carpet House company in the basic AVARDA ERP systems configuration following features were added:
- Accounting of rolls and scraps of carpets in a warehouse
- Maintaining the general analytics by the article
- Accounting of goods in a warehouse in several units of measure at the same time
- Accounting of the direction on tailoring of curtains
By means of the adapted software first of all activity of managing office, departments of corporate and dealer sales and also a warehouse was automated. Further automation of 11 Moscow shops and production workshops of Carpet House company followed. During the project integration of the AVARDA system about "1C: Enterprise 7.7" installed in regional divisions of the company was carried out.
Project deliverables and plans for the future
Now in the AVARDA system about 100 employees of Carpet House company work. A system functions at the central office, in a warehouse, workshops on tailoring of carpets and in each shop of own retail network in Moscow. Management of all divisions and shopping facilities of Carpet House company is performed from the central office which creates price policy, programs of marketing efforts, conducts purchases and settlings with suppliers. Data exchange between divisions happens thanks to the system of replication of AVARDA allowing to transfer information with a high speed and in the intensive mode even when using narrow communication channels. The relevance of data does not exceed 5 min.
Sergey Fadeyev, director of IT department of Carpet House: "Thanks to the AVARDA system we can obtain the relevant and absolutely reliable information necessary for effective management. In particular, after system implementation of AVARDA we received higher level of control over processes of a goods turnover that directly affects improvement of financial performance of network functioning
The open architecture of a system allows quickly and with the minimum costs to adapt a system for changes in account policy of the company, structure of business, etc., to automate the new directions of business of the company, to implement functionality on automation of internal document flow".
Dmitry Sobolev, CEO of Carpet House company: "Implementation of the ERP system of AVARDA allowed to integrate all directions of rather versatile business of the company in a common information space and to considerably increase transparency and effective management of the enterprise".