Stefan Prestele worked in Parallels company as the senior director of department of global marketing and operations in Seattle. There he developed and implemented the international strategy of entry into the market and further growth including release of new products on the basis of a subscription.
Later as the senior vice president on marketing of division of Shared Services of Unify company Stefan successfully integrated planning, execution and measurement of results on the scale of the international command, having realized the culture of Digital First.
On July 26, 2016 it was announced that TeamViewer company, the software provider for remote control devices and interactive joint work, announced Stefan Prestele's appointment to a position of the new senior vice president and the marketing director. Prestele is under direct supervision at the chief executive Andreas König.
"TeamViewer is very customer-oriented company. I will try to implement marketing approach on the basis of the integrated involvement which is especially relevant in constantly extending customer-oriented digital world. This approach will allow us to expand a scope, to increase base of clients in the key markets, for example, in the USA and also to enter the adjacent and new markets with the very popular existing solutions and future products which, I am sure will gain not smaller recognition — Stefan Prestele told. – Modern marketing department is responsible for complete experience of the client in all points of interaction and aims to involve target audience in dialog. I am convinced that today agile-marketing should be guided by what I call the rule of four rights: to attract and impress potential clients, and then to convert them into real, you should deliver the necessary information (right information) of the necessary audience (right audience) in due time (right time) via the suitable channel (right channel). I will work hard with all staff of marketing department to achieve it".