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Fujitsu Hybrid Cloud Connect

Developers: Fujitsu
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016/07/27
Technology: IaaS is Infrastructure as service

Fujitsu Hybrid Cloud Connect is service of support of process of digital transformation.

On July 27, 2016 the company Fujitsu announced start of Hybrid Cloud Connect service. Development helps to integrate cloud services into corporate networks, providing the guaranteed connection and service quality (QoS) for the crucial applications working in hyper scalable public cloud environments, including Microsoft Office 365, Azure and the platform Fujitsu Cloud Service K5.

For digital transformation the high-speed protected networks are required for the companies to integrate public cloud services with own IT infrastructure. Fujitsu Hybrid Cloud Connect helps to integrate cost-efficient services on the basis of public cloud environments, including a hosting[1].

The Fujitsu service uses private networks, including dedicated lines, for connection of data processing centers of the companies with hyper scalable cloud providers that guarantees QoS.

Hybrid Cloud Connect helps the companies to seize the opportunities of hybrid IT due to consolidation of the protected virtual networks with services, distributed, available at the price, on the basis of public cloud environments, developers stated. Such approach gives the chance to combine the high speed of network connections and available cost of services on the basis of public "clouds".

The companies need secure access to IT services in cloud environments to seize all opportunities of hybrid IT. Hybrid Cloud Connect allows to refuse unstable Internet connections when using public cloud services. The companies understand that similar technologies are cost-efficient, but their implementation is limited by such factors as capacity, delays and concerns in terms of security. With release of Hybrid Cloud Connect the Fujitsu company does hybrid IT by reality, proposing the solution for consolidation of corporate networks of the companies and a new global cloud platform of Fujitsu Cloud Service K5 which is a basis of Fujitsu Digital Business Platform MetaArc.

Convoys Mow (Conway Kosi), the head of department of development of services of the managed infrastructure of Fujitsu company in EMEIA region
