Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

OVS-prof: The automated accounting of production of concrete and concrete products

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: OVS-prof
Branches: Construction and industry of construction materials
Technology: Accounting systems

The product "The Automated Financial Accounting of Production of Concrete and Concrete Products" is intended for the automated accounting of production of concrete on the basis of the accepted requests from buyers. Provides input of documents of release and product sales on the basis of shipment according to requests of buyers.

Features and program capabilities:

  • Maintaining the magazine of the documents "Requests of Buyers" with maintaining data on the status;
  • Printing of primary documents for shipment and transportation of products from the document "Request of the Buyer" (typical technological work order);
  • An opportunity to obtain information on a remaining balance of materials taking into account the shipped products according to requests before input of accounting documents;
  • On the basis of the shipped requests for any period programmatically to create electronic documents on accounting of release and product sales;
  • An opportunity to see structure of requests on the basis of which the document is created in the document "Sales of goods and services";
  • Reflections of intake of the ordered materials from the supplier taking into account delivery transport; control of compliance of entrance documents with an actual receipt of materials;
  • Loading of supplies according to RCN (rastvoro-concrete node) from the file of the xls format for input of a difference of the material consumption according to the plan and upon.

The product is developed on the basis of a standard configuration Enterprise accounting and includes, in addition to industry functionality, all opportunities of a standard configuration.

The "Automated Financial Accounting of Production of Concrete and Concrete Products" configuration is not independent, it is necessary to have the set standard configuration Enterprise accounting based on the 1C: Enterprise platform of the version not lower than for its work. The product works only in the thin client.

The configuration is protected and contains the code fragments which are not subject to change by the user, has hardware protection against unauthorized use.