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Fortinet SOC3

Developers: Fortinet
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016/08/03
Branches: Electrical equipment and microelectronics
Technology: Processors

Fortinet SOC3 is a system on a crystal of third generation of FortiASIC SOC3.

On August 2 the Fortinet company announced expansion of adaptive system of network security by means of implementation of system architecture on a crystal of third generation of FortiASIC SOC3.

The Fortinet SOC3 processor accelerates work of means of protecting of the FortiGate 60E series and increases capacity consolidation of functions of security and network functioning. Thanks to the solution FortiGate 60E the distributed companies, branches and also the enterprises of small and medium business can freely unroll highly effective adaptive system of network security of Fortinet[1].

Within solutions of the FortiGate 60E series a set of functions of security and network functioning are joint in one tool:

  • Modern security system:
    • corporate firewall,
    • IPS,
    • check of VPN,
    • WAF,
    • check of SSL and "sandbox" on the basis of a cloud

  • High-performance network connections:

    • routing,
    • balancing of loading,
    • optimization of WAN,
    • connection 3G/4G and 802.11ac Wi-Fi

These functions support the program configured WAN (SD-WAN) networks. The solution FortiWiFi 60E developed on the basis of FortiGate 60E is in addition equipped with high-speed wireless access points 802.11ac that promotes further decrease in complexity of infrastructure and eliminates the need for the additional wireless hardware.

Control of all these functions is exercised using the intuitive single console of management which supports deployment, both on a node, and in a cloud. Thanks to these powerful tools of management the distributed companies can use functions of tracking, the analysis and management based on adaptive system of network security of Fortinet.

Fortinet SOC3 is developed on the basis of modern achievements in the field of design of crystals which allowed to integrate the processors ensuring functioning of networks and security systems with the quad-core CPU within one crystal. The architecture of means of SOC3 adapted to needs of security provides implementation of functions of the deep analysis and check at the level which corresponds to characteristics of the corporate and universal CPUs ensuring functioning of products of the rival companies and even exceeds them. This architecture has effective structure which reduces energy consumption to 5 W and allows to do without fan that promotes decrease in noise level.

A system on a crystal of Fortinet FortiASIC SOC3 is provided to series of the security protections distributed FortiGate 60E companies and is available to acquisition.
