Customers: Yaroslavl broiler Contractors: Alan IT Product: Microsoft AzureProject date: 2016/03 - 2016/06
Due to growth and technology development in 2016 the Yaroslavl Broiler company set for itself the task of IT infrastructure assessment, in particular its readiness for implementation of cloud computing.
"The basic need of the project consisted in assessment of SAM processes at the enterprise and in check of lawful use of the software of Microsoft. Jointly with specialists ALAN IT we defined opportunities and advantages of transition to cloud computing which we will use further more and more widely." - Kunerus Alexander, the head of department of automated control systems and telecommunications of JSC Yaroslavsky broyler.
Based on development plans for the company specialists ALAN IT suggested to carry out the SAM Cloud-Ready project - the complex analysis of infrastructure. The project allows to estimate readiness of the IT environment of the company for cloud computing taking into account needs of users and the general business challenges of the company.
In scales of the project 2 branches - in the Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions were covered. In a project deliverable recommendations about elimination of weak points in IT structure of "The Yaroslavl broiler", to increase in efficiency of its work, level of a maturity of processes of SAM were prepared and that the most important, the detailed plan for migration of some programs and services in a cloud is developed.
"One of the solutions proposed by us was Microsoft Azure thanks to which the company will significantly accelerate deployment of business processes, the centralized software updating and also will receive the instrument of remote access to all IT environment with a possibility of regulation of operation of servers on the fly." - Sharov Alexander, the project manager, the analyst ALAN IT about advantages of Microsoft Azure.
Movement of workloads from physical and virtual servers in a cloud will help to cut down financial expenses, including to minimize costs for the electric power, to reduce the used area from storage of servers and it is essential to lower investments in their updating. In addition, "The Yaroslavl broiler" will be able to improve policy on management of licenses, to reduce costs, to control and to proactively fix a nedolitsenzirovaniye problem.