Customers: Road clinical hospital on JSC RZD station Voronezh-1
Contractors: Transtelecom (TTK) Product: VPN projectsProject date: 2016/03 - 2016/07
Transtelecom (TTK) announced in September, 2016 start of the single protected corporate network (IP VPN) for NUZ "Road clinical hospital on station Voronezh-1 of JSC "Russian Railways" in the Voronezh region. Within the agreement Transtelecom built corporate network with capacity of 50 Mbps which integrated five body of hospital in Voronezh, Rossosh, Novokhopersk and Povorino in a common information space. The service is provided on the basis of trunk IP-MPLS-network TransTeleCom.
All information transferred on VPN network is ciphered for an exception of a possibility of unauthorized access to personal data of patients of hospital. The provided service corresponds to the Federal legislation on personal data protection and has licenses of Federal service on engineering and expert control and FSB.
"Service IP VPN from Transtelecom is one of the most demanded among medical institutions today. It allows to provide the high level of protection of the transmitted data on patients that is especially important for health care. In addition the departments deleted from each other can interact effectively among themselves in a format of video conferences", - the head of the Trunk block of macroregional branch "Centre" of TransTeleCom Company Alexander Belov noted.