Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Electroradio automatic equipment


The enterprise works in the field of the ship-building and ship-repair industry in the field of wiring and electromechanical production, design and production of electrodistributors.

2016: Schneider Electric will organize production of the electrotechnical equipment based on the Elektroradioavtomatika enterprise in Primorsky Krai

The Schneider Electric company and the Vladivostok enterprise "Elektroradioavtomatika" signed the agreement on cooperation in September, 2016. Within cooperation start of production and assembly of the equipment Schneider Electric on production areas of the seaside enterprise, cooperation in rendering consulting services, search of potential buyers and supply of equipment is planned.

The agreement was signed within the second East economic forum in the presence of the vice governor of Primorye Sergey Nekhayev. After agreement signature Sergey Nekhayev and the president of Schneider Electric company in Russia and the CIS Johan Vanderplayetse discussed the prospects of further cooperation which can be performed in the most different spheres, including culture, education, tourism, development of infrastructure and also area of alternative energy.