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Siemens RAPIDComm

Developers: Siemens Healthineers (ранее Siemens Healthcare)
Last Release Date: September, 2016
Technology: Laboratory information systems

RAPIDComm is the solution for administration and data transmission. It allows to connect several analyzers of urine and gases of blood to a laboratory or hospital information system via the single interface.  Access to a data management system about patients helps to make differential analysis.

2016: Updating

In the middle of September, 2016 the Siemens Healthineers company announced updating of the RAPIDComm system. The version of RAPIDComm 6.0 received higher performance and also a connectivity to portable electropacemakers of heart.

Coordinators of the clinical trials conducted in points of care of patients meet huge difficulties during implementation and management of programs of testing — the president of division of Siemens Healthineers Point of Care Peter Koerte says. — They, as a rule, are responsible for management of results of researches which are conducted in dozens of different places using hundreds of devices by thousands of operators. At the same time it is necessary to transfer them quickly and reliably results, conforming to requirements of laboratories.

Provided to Siemens Healthineers new generation of a management system for medical data — RAPIDComm 6.0

At connection of the express analyzer of cardiomarkers of Stratus CS 200 the RAPIDComm system expands availability and a possibility of control for coordinators of researches and at the same time increases security in care of patients.

RAPIDComm 6.0 are minimized operator intervention in system operation and processes of physical data transmission from one device to another. The solution is integrated with several network points and contains function of time synchronization with the CLINITEK Status Connect system providing a connectivity and observations of process of the analysis of urine at the patient's bed for the best risk management.

Besides, RAPIDComm 6.0 has the new configured utility for data backup which facilitates remote control processes of work with the saved bases.[1]
