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Stroygazmontazh completed audit of performance of EDMS

Customers: Stroygazmontazh (SGM)

Moscow; Gas industry

Contractors: DocsVision
Product: Projects of IT outsourcing

Project date: 2016/05  - 2016/07


On September 27, 2016 the Docsvision company announced carrying out audit of an electronic document management system in Stroygazmontazh company.

Project Tasks

Electronic document management system in STROYGAZMONTAZH company. use about 1.5 thousand employees.

The company implemented EDMS in 2010 when on the Docsvision platform automated a number of processes:

  • approval and accounting of agreements,
  • number of internal and organizational and administrative documents,
  • accounting of incoming correspondence,
  • synchronization with 1C.

Stroygazmontazh, (2014)

As a part of the existing technological solution setup of standard applications and development of own business processes, cards and reports.

Since system launch, load of it increased – both by the number of the users, and on intensity of work, amount who are saved up and the processed data. The increasing loading provoked a number of problems with high-speed performance. For their solution and also for the purpose of optimization of a system and plans for development of EDMS, the STROYGAZMONTAZH company in 2016 addressed to DocsVision company with the offer to book high-speed performance audit.

Project Progress

At the initial stage the project team defined a number of the main transactions for the analysis, and the set of guidelines, allowing to optimize work of EDMS became result of audit.

The customer received standard recommendations about optimization of architecture of a server complex:

  • adding of the WorkFlow servers at increase in loading allowed to save, and in some moments and to reduce time of processing of the business processes directed to mailing of tasks and notifications.
  • optimal adjustments of EDMS are created – the main offered changes are connected with service settings (cleaning of system tables DB, setup of frequency of indexing of tables, etc.), their implementation promotes reduction of time of request processing to a DB and in general increases high-speed performance of EDMS.
  • open operations of the card "Task", "Agreement" according to the link from Microsoft Outlook are analyzed. As a result of a research of opportunities of their optimization completion for a client part of a system is released – time of opening of a card was reduced by 2-3 times.

The separate block of recommendations affected optimization of the project solution regarding folder structure of partners and the organization of reference books for reduction of time of disclosure of a tree of folders. During the project the platform is optimized according to Docsvision practices, relevant by the time of audit.

The version of a software platform - Docsvision 5.4 is submitted to STROYGAZMONTAZH company and it is offered to plan works on transition to the new platform.

Project Results

The works on audit are completed within a month.