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MTS-Bank implemented Solar inCode for control of security mobile and online applications

Customers: MTS Bank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: Solar inCode

Project date: 2016/03  - 2016/09

The Solar Security company, the developer of products and services for target monitoring and operational management of information security, implemented in the fall of 2016 in "MTS Bank" the solution Solar inCode for audit of the code and check mobile and online applications on existence of vulnerabilities and not declared opportunities.

MTS Bank allocates for security one of key roles that is implemented in the form of a comprehensive echelon protection at all activity levels of bank. The same approach is applied when developing mobile and online applications which provide access to personal account of the client and are used for implementation of money transfers. Such applications are the favourite purpose of malefactors, and in case of the successful attack from the external or internal violator the bank will suffer serious financial and reputation losses.

As MTS Bank gives creation of mobile applications on outsourcing, for full implementation of a cycle of safe development the instrument of control of security of software was required for the customer. Besides, such solution provides compliance to requirements of regulators regarding the analysis of a program code. After comparison of the solutions existing in the market MTS Bank made a choice for benefit of the solution Solar inCode. The Jet Infosystems company acted as the partner in the project.

"According to us, more than 60% of the successful cyber attacks aimed at external business applications are implemented through vulnerabilities in software. Nevertheless, scanners of the code are still not too widespread in the Russian companies. Banks traditionally are in vanguard of information security, the first reacting to the arising threats and implementing the innovation means of protecting. MTS Bank very exactingly treats the choice of cybersecurity solutions, and we are glad that a choice in this case was made for benefit of Solar inCode" — Daniil Chernov, the head Solar inCode of Solar Security company said.