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IBS Interlab and TsPIKS began the project of SDN network

Customers: IBS Interlab

Product: SCS projects and wireless network infrastructure

Project date: 2016/08

On October 18, 2016 the Center of Application Studies of Computer Networks (CASCN) and IBS Interlab announced the beginning of cooperation on the basis of the project of installation of software solutions of TsPIKS for creation of a segment of SDN network in IBS laboratory for studying of opportunities and further promotion of this technology.

Project Tasks

Within the agreement TSPIKS it is necessary to unroll a segment SDN- networks in laboratory IBS Interlab in which will be set developed TSPIKS the program RunAR OpenFlow-switch and SDN- the controller RunOS.

Basic interaction of Software-Defined Network, (2015)

Specialists of IBS will have an opportunity when implementing the projects to test new infrastructure solutions and to gain an evident impression about advantages of the solutions developed by the Russian specialists. It is necessary to carry out joint tests and comparison of opportunities of solutions of different vendors to IBS Interlab laboratories.

RunOS is the productive and fast controller, has a flexible system for development of network applications.

We are glad to cooperation with such large and reputable integrator as IBS company. We hope to show joint tests efficiency of domestic solutions along with world analogs. At the moment we see great interest to SDN technologies, but insufficient experience of application of such systems interferes with their mass implementation. We hope that an opportunity in practice to estimate efficiency and advantages of the solutions developed by the Russian specialists will change a situation.

Timofey Smelyansky, development director of TsPIKS

In studying of the different products and approaches implementing technologies of software-defined networks we pay special attention to the Russian solutions. Now it is a little of them, and these are generally software products. But their functionality already allows to implement network segments which can be built in real infrastructure. Certainly, questions of creation of the networks using both legacy infrastructure, and the segments constructed based on SDN technologies require careful planning, study and preliminary check of work on prototypes in laboratory. And we are grateful to specialists of TsPIKS which help us with these researches the experience and methodical practices.

Vladimir Dubinkin, the head of Competence center of SDN in IBS