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2016/10/24 14:46:30

Alexey Ardamin, Surgutneftegas: We created a unique document management system

Alexey Ardamin, the deputy head of department cases on normative providing and process automation of management of documents Surgutneftegasof JSC, in an interview told TAdviser about parts of a large-scale implementation project ECM- systems DIRECTUM.

We created a unique document management system

Alexey Ardamin: I consider important first of all to note that implementation of ECM systems is considered by many companies as the infrastructure project behind which it is difficult to make out specific performance indicators for business.

It is sure, we understand, a key problem of effective document flow – to build work with documents so that not to slow down primary activity of the company (investigation, oil and gas production), and on the contrary to accelerate and help it.

Surgutneftegas in spite of the fact that implemented the project unique in terms of the scope of, having connected 20,000 users, from the very beginning was guided by specific indicators of increase in business performance on all lifecycle of work with documents from entering in a system before execution.

And at the moment the aggregate effect from implementation of DIRECTUM was on stages:


  • 72% of the registered documents have an electronic format.
  • 25% of documents are brought in a system automatically by the barcode.


  • 62% of documents prepare using ready templates (and their more than 250).
  • Consumption of typographical forms of the strict accounting was reduced by 72%.

Delivery and consideration:

  • 35% of documents are transferred without paper.
  • Speed of delivery of the document for consideration to the addressee is reduced from 60 to several o'clock minutes.
  • Time for consideration of documents and decision making was reduced by 80%.


  • Over 90% of instructions of the management are performed in time.

And we appreciated possibilities of technology of management of documents which allowed us to achieve such results.

Impresses! But tell also about background of an implementation project of the DIRECTUM system. How document flow earlier what defects were required to be eliminated was organized?

Alexey Ardamin: JSC Surgutneftegas is a large geographically distributed organization. More than 100,000 employees in 57 structural divisions, territorially in 6 time zones of Russia work for us.

The company continuously develops. In a year the volume of managerial documentation increases by 5-7%, and it becomes impossible to maintain efficiency by old "manual" methods. Delivery of the paper document from Surgut to Yakutsk would take several days, as a result it should wait for the solution on the document or its approval for weeks – such restrictions should not become a bottleneck of the company!

Therefore cost reduction, optimization and acceleration of the main and auxiliary production processes are for us basic need regarding management of documents, it is kind of banal sounded.

And systematic, vigorous steps on automation of managerial document flow we began long ago, with big share of participation of the management in development of the project, determination of its purposes and assessment of the achieved results that is very important at accomplishment of such large-scale projects. Considering our scales, this process went evolutionarily. The first automation began in 1996 with implementation of the program of simple accounting of paper documents at the level of management personnel. Then the electronic document management system which allowed to pass to electronic journals of registration, the uniform nomenclature of affairs, single document registration was implemented and provided control at the top level by company management and in divisions. And since January, 2014 we started a new round of development, and today successfully we use the DIRECTUM system.

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It should be noted that for successful development of the project in our company there was a big strategic advantage in the form of the technologies mastered earlier, the internal command having sufficient experience, the built business processes according to the organizational and administrative documentation (OAD) and strict methodology which extends to all divisions and all workers. We accurately understood and we understand that at a complete scope of technology of management of OAD which practically in all processes of the company are the initiating stage or its termination implementing solutions in other directions and document types will be a trick. The workplace and technologies will remain invariable.

What requirements do you impose to an ECM system?

Alexey Ardamin: We formulated the simple principles and conditions of successful carrying out the project which put in future requirements for the supplier of an ECM system and now actively we use in practice:

  • A system should be self-sufficient and capable to automate a full stroke of processing of any document (from creation before destruction).
  • A system should support end-to-end processes of the company which can proceed in different information systems.
  • A system should provide the centralized document storage, forming in the different systems.

Also we defined conditions of successful system implementation of management of documents (COURT) which were without fail considered in requirements to the project.

  • The first is a scope. Technologies and instruments of work with documents should be available to all users of the company. The continuity and process performance of work with documents directly depend on it. And here, as all of us understand, it was necessary to solve a number of difficulties both organizational, and technical.
  • The second – despite all electronic trends, exists a set of external and internal factors which require progress towards transition to electronic document management and therefore support of paper document flow and classical technologies of work with documents should become an important condition of the maximum optimization.
  • The third – balance of technologies. After all ECM systems is not ERP, here strict operating activities give way to ease of solutions, flexibility and the maximum convenience of using. The emphasis on that golden mean between complexity of technical solutions and functional simplicity is required: in some cases the complexity of input of the document in a system and purpose of its details in comparison with registration on paper can increase, but in the subsequent at reuse of the document in the company of costs pay off repeatedly.

Key orders which bear information on planned annual figures of all structural divisions consist of several hundred pages with big applications for each division. The labor input of entering of such documents into a system with breakdown of applications according to powers and setting on control is very high. But, as practice showed, information classified is used within a year tens of thousands of times and repeatedly pays back initial costs. And, on the contrary, for a number of documents where criticality of information is low and the recurrence of use of information is not provided, processes of their accounting can be simpler.

  • And the last – adaptation of users – the aspect, it is very important to them to pay special attention, and for maximum efficiency is better to do it to the customer independently. For successful implementation and further development it is important to hold thematic conferences for users, to prepare video instructions, different mailings with reminders and councils for work in a system.

Also major role was assigned to assessment of readiness of a system for simultaneous operation of 10,000 users. The task was more interesting to those that actually in Russia there are no analogs on scale of an implementation project of an ECM system on one server yet! And interest was mutual both for us – customers, and for suppliers. When forming future system architecture and the platform we together with DIRECTUM and representatives of Microsoft held 3 circles of stress testing. As a result of DIRECTUM confirmed a possibility of support of simultaneous operation on one server of 10,000 users from 20,000 connected.

To be fair It should be noted that the accuracy of the carried-out works on stress testing allowed us in practice already today to achieve the set goal, to bypass the mass of obstacles at its achievement and even to exceed the number of at the same time working users.

What main objectives are solved by the DIRECTUM system?

Alexey Ardamin: All management process of any company is penetrated by information which is a decision making basis, and this process first of all at work with the organizational and administrative documents (OAD) is constructed. In any company each worker anyway adjoins to OAD irrespective of the fact which he is engaged in activity. Therefore work with OAD became the main objective solved in the DIRECTUM system on its base afterwards implementation of end-to-end solutions on other activities is performed: work with project and technical, production and financial, the design estimates, personnel document flow.

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Tasks and the purposes which we wanted to reach at implementing solution on management of ORD consisted as in providing a full stroke of work with documents of classical office-work, and in need to consider specifics of our work. It was important not simply to save and transfer business processes to a system, but also to improve them, i.e. to optimize.

Let's dwell only upon ORD.

Alexey Ardamin: Together with DIRECTUM company after carrying out inspection of data domain of management of ORD 20 processes (among which there are a work with administrative documents, citizens' appeals, control of execution of instructions, creation and change of the nomenclature of affairs and others) which were defined optimization allowed us to reveal bottlenecks in model "as is" and to fix their improvements in model "as should be" taking into account automation.

Also the needs for optimization revealed when questioning employees were recorded:

  • acceleration of passing of documents (at stages of creation, approval, registration, consideration and execution);
  • gain of control of execution of instructions, possibility of operating control of a status of execution of instructions using convenient and simple tools;
  • reduction of paper document flow and transfer of a part of document flow on electronic Wednesday. In spite of the fact that we put the purpose to make more convenient work of staff of the company, without changing the general rules of work with documents, we worked on that already at the initial stage of implementation to reduce document transfer on paper and at the expense of it to reduce delivery time and considerations of documents.

In terms of business in lifecycle of the document stages which have a direct impact on key business processes are important. For us it was important to provide using a system an ability to manage with lifecycle of documents, i.e. to cover all cycle of office-work – from problem definition on creation of the document before its write-off in archive.

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Preparation of the document

In the company of more than 1000 authors of documents, and standards select tens of document types, for each of which the details are defined. Preparation of documents causes difficulties therefore there was a task to facilitate preparation of documents for users of a system, to minimize risks of an incorrect design in many employees.

Earlier at execution of letters the paper forms of documents for internal or external correspondence produced by a typographical method were used. Forms are documents of the strict accounting, require accounting and the correct storage. At a stage of implementation the analysis which showed that in JSC Surgutneftegas internal document flow is 74% of the general document flow, and, respectively, the number of forms which needed to be ordered in printing house for all divisions of the company was carried out, exceeded 550,000 pieces a year.

For reduction of costs and acceleration of work with documents the decision to use electronic forms with autosubstitution of details in a document body was made. Such forms allow to receive correctly issued draft document in read seconds. The user can not think of a design, standards and other formalities at all. Templates help to observe not only standards of a design, but also the rule of Russian since names of positions automatically form in the correct inducement.

Annually more than 450 thousand documents are prepared by means of templates of forms. As a result, consumption of typographical forms which as we remember, are made under the order was reduced by 72% and are forms of the strict accounting. In general time for preparation of documents is reduced due to simplification of the procedure of a design and automatic compliance to standards. In turn, documents get on approval quicker now.


It is considered to be that approval of documents is first of all a part of office-work, but its real purpose – to increase quality of real management decisions which stand behind these documents.

Many in the old manner approve documents using e-mail – it is better, than approval in paper option, but at the same time such approval bears the restrictions:

  • it is impossible to set an accurate route of approval of the document. Each participant edits the document revision, there is no integrity of information on approval, documents are duplicated.
  • there is no opportunity to regulate the term of approval of documents.

DIRECTUM allowed us to regulate time of approval of draft documents, to make process is more better also transparent for participants of approval. Now in systems the standard route which automatically sends tasks under approval of the document to participants is used. By default for consideration of the document 4 hours are allotted to approving – it is regulated. In tasks it is displayed who and when approved the document who did not approve yet, to what term it is necessary to consider the document. All approving work with the same document (but not its personal local copy). If it is necessary to make changes, then participants create separate versions of one document. Use of electronic signatures at the same time guarantees the invariance and provides reliability of documents.

Approval speed considerably increased. On average instead of 30 hours about 18 leave now. So process of approval accelerated in almost twice. Respectively, documents get to clerks on registration quicker.


Two tasks were selected:

1. Accelerate registration process, having provided to clerks additional tools which allow to make process of registration more comfortable:

  • respect for the principle of single document registration, exception of repeated duplication of unstructured corporate information;
  • convenient document retrieval both as regards details, and in the text;
  • verification of the document on primacy of receipt according to all magazines of registration in which the document can be registered that is important during the work with incoming documents from third parties for the purpose of a document transfer duplication exception to the head;
  • acceleration of placement of documents in a system, i.e. ensuring automatic accession of the scanned documents to registration cards by the barcode, if a flow of documents rather big.

2. Receive a real picture on the organization of office-work in Society and transfer her to automation. For this purpose we carried out big one-time work on establishing order regarding collecting and information analysis. Not each large company can answer without workflow automation, for example, questions:

  • where document registration, including paper is executed (taking into account quantity of places of registration and magazines);
  • how precisely the nomenclature of affairs in each division reflects a real picture in places of registration;
  • who is responsible for record keeping of each place of registration, who has the right to register documents in this or that place, etc.

We were faced by a task to achieve that information on the basis of which office-work out of a system is organized was relevant and completely transferred to a system. Thanks to automation we received a 100 percent scope of places of registration and now we have the broad picture on accounting of volume of document flow of ORD in our company. It allows us to define loading of services of office-work, certain contractors, to develop actions for improvement of processing of documents in general or separate transactions.

We implemented the barcode as a part of the standard on execution of each electronic document. At registration it is enough to consider of it, the registration card in which all details are already completed, this information will be automatically created it is automatically transferred from the draft document. This functionality – an evident illustration of one of the principles of balance of technologies. Information which is initially entered by the author into details of the document is reused.

Also we simplified check of input of partners. Annually our company corresponds with 17,000 unique legal entities and physical person, at the same time if the partner new, then it is necessary to enter all his data: the name, the address, a TIN integration into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) Was, etc. configured, now on a TIN we instantly obtain all information on the partner.

The mechanism of stream scanning of documents which allows to enter for once several documents automatically at once is configured. On all places of registration the special folder in which documents with barcodes are scanned is added to scanners, after that a system automatically attaches each document to the necessary registration card and appoints access rights.

Before it was necessary to enter each document manually. If it is one-two documents a day, then nothing terrible, but, so far as concerns several documents registered for time, this mechanism considerably helps.


We needed to consider a geographically-distributed structure of the company, delivery in remote divisions of paper documents takes considerable time, by fax too long to send volume documents, by e-mail not all documents can be sent. We needed a system which would allow to reduce delivery time of documents in these divisions.

There are no problems with delivery when all workers are users of a system, but at us implementation happens step by step therefore not all workers are users of a system, besides, we have workers who do not use the computer in productive activity. A system should exclude a possibility of "podvisaniye" of documents.

Also we needed to think over the maximum uniformity of passing and document handling, considering strict rules of delivery of documents depending on a document type, the addressee. A system had to exclude errors of delivery of documents to each addressee and the contractor, to limit number of returns of documents when the document is delivered at the wrong door. So we had to reach the maximum uniformity as passing and processing of documents, proceeding from the fact that each movement of the document should be justified.

We implemented the mechanism of automatic routing and determination of a method of transfer of the document to the addressee (on paper or electronically) which considers whether the user independently works, whether the addressee has clerks, and if not, then whether there are at the higher level such services. All necessary information for this purpose contains in places of registration.

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As a result three options turn out:

  • Works itself – the document is sent on a system directly;
  • Does not work itself – the document is sent to a place of registration (clerk);
  • Does not work itself, and the place of registration does not work in a system – a system reports that it is necessary to transfer the document on paper.

At the same time the sender can specify a method by which the document will be actually told:

  • Э – electronically: in this case the original document remains at the sender, and the receiver at once takes the document in processing;
  • E/B – the document is delivered in a system, but the original at the same time is transferred on paper. The receiver in this case can or take the document in processing after delivery in a system at once, or wait for a paper copy;
  • The B – the document will be transferred only on paper. It happens in two cases: if the document was not scanned – for example, contains the appendices having not scanned format, or the addressee and his place of registration are not automated.

Thanks to what hundreds of thousands of documents are annually transferred only in a system that favorably affected also decrease in duration of consideration of documents.


Control of execution of documents and the made decisions – one of the major control functions which purpose is assistance to timely and high-quality execution of documents and ensuring obtaining the analytical information necessary for assessment of activity of divisions of the company.

We needed to solve several problems:

1. Organize control on all hierarchy levels of organization units of our company since earlier control was exercised only at the level of heads of receiving structural divisions. It was necessary to increase performance excellence of instructions in organization units due to replication of a system to the last contractor.

2. Accelerate processing of documents after consideration by their heads. Before replication of a system all documents after consideration were transferred to contractors under the resolution on paper carrier. In one resolution of the head there can be more than 5 contractors, the clerk makes copies of resolutions, writes in the magazine, and issues under the signature (office-work practically in all companies is so organized). According to separate documents we can have more than 1000 contractors – for example, the administrative document of Society is sent to 57 divisions where further it comes on execution to organizational unit and so on to the last contractor. We needed to organize instant transfer of instructions to contractors similar to delivery of documents.

3. Organize for the users working in a system, a user-friendly and evident interface, effective instruments of control.

Today users work in the DIRECTUM system conductor with the configured folders which are very similar to outlook folders. Tasks, including on execution of instructions come to them. Users open tasks and execute them with the necessary result – for example, report on execution or redirect order further, request new term, etc. It is the standard tool of a system.

In addition to it additional tools are configured:

  • Notices on approach of terms by e-mail are in addition sent to contractors and controllers of execution. They go one month, week, 3 days prior to the termination of term and so on until order is executed.
  • On a corporate portal the monitor of instructions in which operational information about instructions in the most convenient type since some heads use data of production indicators for control of the activity is displayed is developed and in the same type want to trace information on the issued and received instructions independently.
  • Each user can install the gadget on a desktop which displays all current tasks, they can be processed or through them to look at documents. To many users it can replace demanded functionality of a system to 90%. It is especially relevant for key workers who without any additional actions "have the finger on the pulse".

In total use of all implemented tools allowed to increase performing discipline by 9%. And over 90% of instructions are performed in time.

With what solutions of Surgutneftegas the DIRECTUM ECM system is integrated?

Alexey Ardamin: The implementation project of DIRECTUM meant embedding of SUD in the unified information system of Surgutneftegas which about 120 different systems with 1200 IT solutions and the implemented 170 integration scenarios developed on their base on data transmission enter.

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At the same time it was important to observe and develop use of the basic principles of creation of the unified information system of Surgutneftegas:

1. Use a uniform entry point of data.

The document once entered should not be entered repeatedly. Implementing this principle, we provided accomplishment of tasks of formation of end-to-end processes and to the centralized document storage.

So, in the project integration with systems is implemented:

  • SAP ERP on accounting and production accounting;
  • SAP HR on personnel document flow;
  • SAP Solution Manager on maintaining the project documentation when developing IT solutions;
  • Accounting of PIR according to the design estimates of construction objects.

2. Use uniform basic data.

Uniform reference books and basic data allowed to accelerate design process and implementations of "end-to-end" business processes and to obtain up-to-date information from the adjacent systems in real time. Were used:

  • corporate reference books on partners, document types, surnames and positions of workers, construction objects, names of fields. The majority of corporate reference books are kept in the MDM system and further are transmitted to the different systems;
  • Russian reference books – The register of legal entities (USRLE) for synchronization of data on legal entities and Federal address system (Federal Information Address System) for check of correctness of input of address these external addressees;
  • basic data from SAP HR personnel management system on planned and actual otsutstviye of workers allowed to regulate correctness of purpose of access rights to documents and to timely make decisions on execution of documents;
  • ABBYY Recognition Server for document retrieval on attributes and contents. Daily in a system about 10,000 documents are created. Search in details is not always convenient: after time it is forgotten from whom and when documents were received by whom are created. Integration successfully solves a problem of full text recognition of electronic documents of DIRECTUM.

3. Use standards of maintenance.

At a planned scope of 20,000 users it was necessary to provide stable maintenance of a system. Therefore at operation of the IT solutions developed based on DIRECTUM the common service decisions are used:

  • change management system of SAP CharM in which change requests of the software are registered and also terms of implementation are defined responsible;
  • system of corporate interactive training of SAP Productivity Pak by ANCILE uPerform. In it operational instructions, training programs are developed, and on the basis of information on training the request for providing access for users to the DIRECTUM system forms;
  • SAP IdM for maintaining powers of users of DIRECTUM. Purpose of powers to users in a system is performed in the automatic mode depending on a role of the user (the clerk, the user, the head) and organizational assignment. Logical objects of SAP IdM in an electronic document management system represent a user group with certain access rights on folders of organization units, the general documents, certain reports and scenarios, filtering on reference books is established;
  • the system of the uniform Microsoft Active Directory directory is used for synchronization of the users given to authorization and the e-mail addresses;
  • incident management system of SAP Service Desk in which users register requests for support on problems in a system and specialists of group of maintenance provide solutions on problems.

4. Effectively use the computing equipment.

System architecture of DIRECTUM is constructed taking into account optimum allocation of loading therefore services of a system, and them in JSC Surgutneftegas about 30, are set on more than 30 servers:

  • condition monitoring a system component in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is in real time conducted. Notifications on dangerous and critical values of work of indicators of the client software automatically are sent day and night to ranking officers. In total through SCOM monitoring about 100 indicators of operability of a system is every minute executed. Single solutions for monitoring of the same resources are used;
  • based on the high-performance analytical SAP HANA complex data storage of a profayling of accomplishment of the user transactions is organized, this information is used for the analysis of response time at execution of operations in a system;
  • on the basis of data of a profayling the report of system performance of management of documents which is developed on the VO SAP platform forms;
  • indicators of work are brought to special panels of the Microsoft SharePoint corporate portal and are available to all employees.

5. Build a reliable landscape.

We adhere to this principle at deployment of all information systems. The independent 3-level IT landscape from a development environment, testing and production environment allows to provide:

  • execution of stages of development and support of a system;
  • quality improvement of software development;
  • reliability augmentation of the operated solutions.

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Use of these basic principles of creation of the unified information system allowed to provide accomplishment of the tasks set by business to create a uniform information field with other systems of Surgutneftegas, to implement end-to-end processes and a full stroke of document handling.

What difficulties arose during implementation?

Alexey Ardamin: Composed success of any case the professional, harmonious and accurately distributed on functional duties implementation team in which competences and a maturity of experienced workers are harmoniously combined with energy and healthy ambitions of youth is the major.

Large-scale project objectives and special approach to quality demanded from us to select 3 circuits of a project team: business (customers/owners of processes), IT (process automation) and supplier. The command on work on a solution architecture was separately selected. It can seem excessive, but project implementation proved the viability of this organization of works: it became only this way possible to synchronize requirements of all participants and to provide a complex look when implementing projects.

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In total within project implementation more than 60 employees of Surgutneftegas and 100 employees of DIRECTUM were involved. There was a task not just to implement a document management system, and to make it an integral part of the unified information system of the company.

How support of a system is performed?

Alexey Ardamin: Now, when projects on document flow implementation are already transferred to different stages of operation, we actively are engaged in support development. Some of key tasks for us are accumulation of competences in the company and formation of a harmonious team of adherents. From our party we should provide (and at us it turns out):

  • high-quality timely development;
  • reliable user support;
  • full-time stable employment of all components of our system (infrastructure, application solutions).

From the supplier strong priority support and a command of maintenance are created.

Process of support is constructed by the principle of 3 lines and implemented based on the SAP Service Desk system.

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On the first support line we locate qualified specialists who solve more than 80% of the addresses arriving from users. I will note that order taking from users is executed only through the accounting system, time of the first reaction is regulated and should not exceed 30 minutes. There are also exceptions to the rules – so-called VIP-users, from them addresses are accepted on a call and are processed quickly. Second Line – our programmers and designers, they solve 19% of the addresses transferred from 1 line, and only 1% of the remained addresses is transferred to the 3rd support line – to specialists of DIRECTUM.

To vendor from 5 to 15 addresses a month on average arrive. There are local peaks when the number of incidents exceeds mean value, on them we pay special attention and we sort separately.

Let's pay attention to quality characteristics of these incidents. Almost everything from them – urgent and critical, influencing all or almost all users. The incidents usually difficult and uncommon, can belong both to custom development of SUD, and to the standard version of DIRECTUM and even to the platform.

The specified characteristics of incidents set high requirements to services for support of a system. First of all is a speed of reaction and duration of the solution of incidents. Conditions of standard support of vendor do not suit us therefore the separate service package – priority technical support was developed.

In addition to standard support the packet of services is offered:

  • priority incidental support;
  • event management and problems;
  • audit of performance.

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Due to priority incidental support the high level of SLA (Service Level Agreement) is provided – the response time makes minutes, solution time – several hours. Such high rates are reached at the expense of the selected team of experts and separate queue of addresses. Our addresses do not get to the general queue, and are addressed to directly fixed team of experts. They know custom development and features of architecture of SUD therefore on immersion in an incident time minimum is necessary, also experts well know our command of support. At the expense of it time of the solution of an incident as usually a lot of time is required on interaction is reduced, here we exclude this factor.

The service for event management and problems promotes reduction of total number of new incidents and potential problems with availability and stability of a system. Audit of performance within which "health" and system performance are controlled is several times a year booked. It is usually audited after any significant changes, for example, after start of a new solution. Potential bottlenecks in the equipment, settings of servers, applied development which allow to exclude problems with performance in the future come to light.

There is a separate procedure of work on very critical incidents. In such cases crisis teams from us and DIRECTUM are formed. From JSC Surgutneftegas experts in a system, DBMS, OS and "iron" participate in a command. A part of the DIRECTUM command leaves to Surgut for coordination of works and operational interaction with experts on site. Other part of a command remains at office of vendor in Izhevsk for interaction with necessary experts (specialists of the platform, DBMS and other experts) and conducting completions.

At the expense of such organization of works even especially critical incidents are solved in short terms and practically do not influence system availability in general. We constantly work on excluding similar situations, including due to event management and problems.

Command for us – a crucial element of existence and development of SUD. We need to ensure functioning of 20,000 users. These are not just ambitions it is information the developed company. The only way to transition to electronic document management is an involvement in information space of all participants of process.

What features of the project to you were remembered most of all? Why?

Alexey Ardamin: Upon transition to DIRECTUM we were faced by a task not just to implement an ECM system, and to execute migration of all data from the previous system. It was required not only to facilitate work of users with historical data and to optimize architecture of future system, but also to provide the rational solution in terms of operating costs and maintenance.

The uniqueness of the project on this step is confirmed with one-time transfer of all data (both historical, and active at the time of transfer), and these are more than 30 million different objects.

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It should be noted that for launch of the project there were no tools allowing to solve this problem. In total preparation for migration occupied quite progressive tense, at this moment development of the previous system was completely frozen. And the total amount of the migration was so big that on its accomplishment 7 days of work were required (round the clock). For accomplishment of the migration on New Year's vacation its constant plan was prepared. Works were performed with the obligatory hourly notification of project board about a current status. Criticality of these works was that in case of unsuccessful migration on a new ECM system the following attempt of migration would be postponed for a year. Actually at us it was only not necessary – to go the choice forward and it is only successful.

After migration in the first several weeks initial monitoring of work of users was organized. And as a key indicator accepted "the number of the registered documents in day in comparison with registration of last year". We came not at once to required indicators, but when reached them, it became clear that "flight normal" – documentary ensuring activity of the company is normal.

And recently, in May, 2016, we migrated on the new version of the DIRECTUM platform. The accumulated experience allowed to make it already in the normal mode.

What results managed to achieve using a new ECM system? What quantitative indices of system operation at the moment?

Alexey Ardamin: We created a unique document management system of JSC Surgutneftegas. The total quantity of users exceeded value of 20,000 people - it is a daily average indicator of the involvement into process of work with information and documents through a system. And we reached it in 2015.

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But the scale of the project not only in the reached technical and technology performances, but also in the spent resources – about 60 specialists of JSC Surgutneftegas, more than 100 employees of DIRECTUM company and 10 partners of vendor worked on the project.

Right at the beginning I sounded the reached business indicators which were expressed in acceleration of business processes, reduction of time for entering and consideration of documents, uses of paper forms. But we consider also specific monetary economic effect. There are many different techniques, for example, in article "How to Estimate Efficiency of ECM Projects?" on the portal cutting of costs for business processes and separate transactions, material costs and risks of business is estimated.

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Certainly, we consider these factors, but the effect can be counted simpler. If we save on service of each document at least 10 minutes (we gave such example with key orders of structural divisions), then in a year, considering scales of document flow of Surgutneftegas, we will save millions of rubles and we will pay back all project.

But the most important is that today we received ready the tool platform plus own internal command which is ready to develop by own forces technologies of management of documents of the company in general. Thereby we laid the foundation for further development of efficiency of JSC Surgutneftegas.