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2016/11/08 09:00:00

Interview of TAdviser with the area development director of ECM of TerraLink company Alexander Bader

Alexander Bader, the area development director of ECM of TerraLink company, in an interview of TAdviser told about the main trends of the Russian market of ECM, the main innovations of systems with which the company works and also about why evolutionary development of products occasionally is better than revolutionary versions.

the Trend of the last time - increase in demand for solutions for work with business content

In your opinion, in what direction there is a development of the Russian market of ECM? What do developers aim at? What do customers want?

Alexander Bader: Let's specify positions for a start. The TerraLink company is, first of all, integrator, i.e. provides implementation services of ECM systems on platforms of leading manufacturers of software of this class. In the majority, it is projects on the basis of these or those products of OpenText company. However, there are also single projects on platforms of Documentum. As a part of our company there is also quite successful practice according to solutions on the Microsoft SharePoint platform, but, after all, the basic income to us is brought by projects on the platform of the products OpenText. And, we work both with brands actually of OpenText, and with its products offered from the price list of SAP, in particular, of SAP Extended ECM by OpenText.

From among completely own products (except products on the Microsoft SharePoint platform) we have, actually, only one – TerraLink Extended Document Exchange (TerraLink xDE) which provides integration of corporate systems (including ERP, including, SAP ERP), with services of the Russian operators of e-document flow. So we, actually, not developers, or developers, but at all not in that measure, as other known reputable market participants.

I want to tell these only that we are busy, first of all, with consulting, and market research for us is only a secondary and applied task. Let professionals be engaged in it. So responsible general view on the market, I alas will not be able to provide to you.

I will try to tell, is exclusive within my own understanding, about what our main vendor, namely, OpenText aims at. How personally I see lately, OpenText aims to take key positions in the world market of management of corporate information in general, and managements of business content, in particular. It does it, based on aggressive policy of absorption of competitors and smaller companies with outstanding technological solutions. And, judging by the most recent purchase of division of Dell company which all possessed the known Documentum, does it extremely consistently, professionally and successfully.

As for customers, all of them aim to solve the business challenges 1) quickly, 2) cheap and 3) it is good. If the customer competent, and he understands that for it it is good and what is bad, then it can determine more accurately on the basis of it metrics and by the first two criteria. Otherwise, and it alas, meets quite often, there can be embarrassment.

If to argue about a subject of import substitution of software in general and ECM solutions in particular, then, in your opinion how this process that it went to the benefit to both the Russian developers and the Russian customers should be organized?

Alexander Bader: I sincerely hope that those structures which entered import substitution process into realities of our life for me, but well and in advance, already thought of how to organize it so that it went for the good to both the Russian developers, and the Russian customers. In my opinion, so far rather developers are more full, than customers are happy. Those systems, at least, in available to me for an area review, very strongly fall short of the western analogs. Naturally, I do not speak about cases when over the American core the Russian interface is made. I do not want to use our programmer slangy word for its designation, it will be not politichno. But, I think, you understood me.

As for completely Russian industrial ECM system, there is nothing supernatural here. Three simple things are necessary: time, investments and group of developers. Then, however, it will be required to prove still that the created system is competitive and at least 10 more years after its release will be supported by developers. There are also questions concerning what will be done by our industry in the next 5 – 7 years before its release and why the existing Russian systems which are already presented at the market during the noticeable time frame are still not perceived by big customers as industrial.

There is no doubt that such system could be necessary and useful and that it is necessary to begin such work once. We have people, time will be pulled somehow – not to get used... And here what to do with investments? And whether is not present at us in the country of more priority tasks, than creation of own industrial ECM system?

How do you consider whether there are real risks at the domestic companies when using foreign ECM solutions? What category of customers does it concern first of all? For what category of customers of advantage of use of "the best world practices" do prevail over any risks?

Alexander Bader: Terribly, even horror. Foreign solutions, the best world practices in quotes – not for the faint-hearted, however. You about cosmopolitans of humble origin would remember. We (it is specific – TerraLink) foreign solutions (specifically – OpenText) use not because they have a firm and a label not our way but only because they industrial, approved and reliable. And large world business works for them. Therefore I see rather risks of use of crude solutions which are made hastily only to manage to jump up on an import substitution wave. At the same time, I emphasize that I not against any Russian solutions only because they Russian, here to you not to catch me. Here, for example, software of ABBYY company – both Russian, and industrial. For certain is and there will be still others.

Russia not a so small regional derzhavochka. The Russian companies do global business, and the global world companies open the enterprises in the territory of Russia. Representatives of world business are a part of governing bodies of the large Russian companies, they are audited by konsalter from Big Four. Therefore these companies and in general the large perspective Russian companies, will show, first of all, demand for those solutions which just and accumulate the best world practices.

Told, perhaps, not absolutely treats state bodies. It is clear, that here absolutely other requirements to information security, and here are, quite obviously, risks that used western by software can have some unpleasant side effects. What it was already announced officially. However I want to note the following. If, purely hypothetically, suppose, what suddenly it will become known that some tabs are provided in OpenText software for Russia, what will become with world business of OpenText tomorrow? I do not think that OpenText will risk so the authority.

Nevertheless, it would also be strange if separate artful western intelligence agencies did not try to use all possible methods somehow to get and examine. On that they are intelligence agencies, and money they not for nothing receive the. But and we have too special people who are engaged in the direct affairs. We for something pay taxes to the state. Here let these people check everything, protect and stop malefactors. As the President Putin told: "The decent man should try, and the decent woman should resist". It is normal. To lower not the Iron Curtain. Back to North Korea, I think, nobody would like.

Earlier you noted that application of open code systems, will lead to deterioration in technology and economic indicators of ESM-projects. Tell, please, in more detail about it.

Alexander Bader: Probably, I to someone after all stepped on a callosity. It seems that there is in our industry some faith, or even, I would tell, sect for which the sign "-others" passes only across the "open code" line. So it is unimportant how an ECM system influences business as it interacts with the main chain of added value of the company, helps to solve problems of compliance to the legislation, to raise customer satisfaction, manages quality, promotes release of the innovation products. In general words about cloud computing and pricing by the principle of SaaS. What, told, combined, today around the world costs in the first lines of the agenda of application of ECM. All this trifles. The main thing – the open code and that's all. So it is dangerous to go deep into this subject, maybe, even. Goodness knows, what fanatic I touched.

But, if to speak seriously, not such I am an important specialist in the field of open code systems. I keep track of this subject poorly. Therefore would not like to go deep into this subject further.

In what direction does development of own ESM-solutions of TerraLink go now? What important innovations appeared in your products?

Alexander Bader: You perfectly separated in the question "own ECM solutions" and "our products".

Own solution, in the true sense of the word, is the product TerraLink xDE mentioned above. The product develops in the directions of expansion:

1. The structure of operators via whose channels exchange of the legally significant documents (LSD) is performed. Now integration with services of seven operators, and integration with three more in the course of debugging works in the industrial mode. It is already more, than at any other supplier of similar solutions in our market, and will become even more soon.

2. Structure of corporate systems which are sources/consumers of YuZD. Now it is SAP ERP, SAP xECM, OpenText Content Server, IBM Lotus Notes, IBM ECM (Filenet), EDMS "DocsVision", EDMS "Directum", and this list will also extend.

3. Structure of the document formats. Now we support the structured documents regulated by FTS all and also unformalized (i.e. in formats of office applications) documents. We expand structure of formats in the direction of support semi-formalized (i.e. in the XML format) documents which are supported by operators for the benefit of the customers, but are not regulated from FTS. And, of course, support universal transfer and universal adjustment documents (UPD and UKD) will be provided in the nearest future.

4. Methods of signing of electronic documents using the electronic signature, both CriptoPro CSP, and CriptoPro DSS are supported.

From nonfunctional development it would be desirable to note the following completions:

1. Raised internal requirements to documentation and testing.

2. Optimized architecture therefore performance considerably increased.

3. Adapted connectors of the main Russian operators, such as "Diadoc", Taxcom, Corus Consulting and Tensor to the latest version of TerraLink xDE, and operators actively interacted with us in this direction.

4. Expanded recording and unified the mechanism of magazines of work.

5. Developed the administrator's web panel.

6. Provided a full support of rules of the name of the software objects of SAP ERP developed by the user and prepared TerraLink xDE for certification in SAP.

We understand our typified solutions developed on the OpenText platform for the most complete accounting of specifics of this or that type of content as "our products". We try to develop them on uniform technology, methodological and instrumental bases, in the investigation of what we speak about existence of a product line with the working name TerraLink ECM Line.

The products automating work of users taking into account specifics of the business documents, most significant for business, namely, such as contracts, organizational and administrative documents, correspondence, powers of attorney, claims and claims, primary financial and economic documents (entering and proceeding) and also project and estimate, design and operational documents enter a line.

Development of these products now intensively goes in the following directions:

1. Development of new functions and opportunities, characteristic of a specific objective, on the basis of our project experience and taking into account wishes of users

2. Expansion of abilities to integrate with modules and SAP solutions, including SAP ERP, SAP HCM, SAP PPS, etc.

3. The completions and improvements caused by development of OpenText CSP and other products OpenText

4. Completions in some areas which are for some reason not included in the OpenText standard, for example, development of the uniform integrated desktop that is very demanded by upper managers

5. Developments of the nonfunctional opportunities focused on minimization of cost of development, maintenance and development of a system, including, forces of end users. At the same time we strictly control that similar developments did not worsen performance and a response time of a system in general.

As you can see, our employees at work do not miss.

Tell about the largest projects of the company lately. What project from your practice could you call the most interesting, can be even unusual? Than it to you was remembered most of all?

Alexander Bader: From reference projects it is necessary to mention the following.

The project for MegaFon company. It not only one of the first projects on product introduction of OpenText in Russia. It also the largest project which develops as it is functional, and due to continuous development of the used platform.

The project for Efes company. The project is extremely interesting that in it the greatest is implemented, in comparison with other our projects, various abilities to integrate with SAP ERP, considering, at least, by quantity of objects of SAP.

The project in National Bank of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Here we implement the most complete, from a function point of sight, the solution on automation of ORD. Besides, we executed also localization into Kyrgyz as for this moment such work was not in the plans of OpenText.

There is a number of large projects in oil gas production and processing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan where we implement still very new to us and for all market of ECM to the CIS, projects on documentary ensuring capital construction, specifically, regarding arrangement of oil fields.

Well, and, at last, but not least, we have all bases to be proud of our solution TerraLink xDE. In Russia it does not have analogs by many parameters, namely, in terms of the scope of use of electronic archive of production OpenText, by quantity of the integrated corporate systems by the number of operators of e-document flow, use of the most advanced technologies of electronic signing of documents, etc., about what I spoke above.

Based on what solutions most often large ECM projects are implemented now?

Alexander Bader: If you mean TerraLink, then the answer is obvious – based on platforms of OpenText to content management and business processes.

If you mean the market in general then it will be a little more variety.

As now it is visible not only me, the products OpenText proved the viability and prospects in our market, and large ECM projects in Russia are now implemented on this platform. Increase in demand for it was promoted also by unreasonable technical policy of the former owners of the Documentum brand as a result of which it was more profitable to customer to pass to absolutely new and at the same time, obviously, more perspective, the platform, than to purchase updating on the next version of Documentum moreover to completely rewrite under it the old solution. And also there are a lot of other factors from among which not the last are the built-in integration of OpenText Content Server with SAP ERP, and, respectively, partnership of OpenText corporation with SAP AG is closer.

Also I authentically know existence of large-scale and successful projects on the IBM ECM platform, better known general public under the old name – FileNet. And, including, in state agencies. And on many of projects integration with SAP ERP is also implemented. And these customers do not hurry to leave these systems at all and to purchase OpenText. So our dear partners can drink a champagne glass from OpenText, and to relax here – @-@.

Whether requests of big customers changed for the last one or two years? What when choosing an ESM-system do they pay attention now most often to?

Alexander Bader: The main trend of the last time became increase of demand for solutions for work, first of all, with business content, and understanding that document flow is not only and not just ORD, how many the most important component of all information system of the company in general.

Partially, it is connected with the fact that there was a saturation or even the market overstocking by various solutions for automation of ORD – from frankly heated to very functionally developed and exclusively ground under the specific customer, say, on the platform of the same Documentum system.

Now the customer wants to be sure that an ECM system will answer strategic objectives of his business, will be steady, scaled, expanded and also is flexibly adaptable in case of change of its requirements and conditions of conducting its business. Integration with the accounting system, and most often is required integration with SAP ERP, is not considered as project work any more, these opportunities should be put in the platform. The economic case on the basis of a business case, calculation of payback periods is necessary. And, of course, only using the presentation on a demo stand you will not sell the project now. The customer wants to see a real example of implementation, and, and, in close to it under the terms of business organization the enterprise. Best of all – in the same industry.

As many customers develop the systems gradually and also develop by merges and absorption, the guarantee that again purchased system will be able to inherit everything or the majority of the data which are saved up for the long period of operation of the existing systems is extremely important for many of them. Now we have many projects connected with decommissioning of "Lotus" and its replacement by OpenText. It is possible to expect naturally that demand for projects and on replacement of Documentum by OpenText will increase soon. Here the TerraLink company can be to the customers very and is very useful as it is the company, only in the Russian market, having own professional, actively working commands and fighting experience of projects on both platforms.

Whether there are some fundamental differences of modern ECM projects, from those which were implemented, say, 5-10 years ago?

Alexander Bader: Good question. And I still love when ask me that I think of modern youth and as old Moscow changed …

Partially I answered this question above – the essence of ECM projects changed, namely, the focus from work with ORD was shifted to documentary providing the purposes of business of the company.

It is possible to note change of technology level of projects that it is visible from this as the platforms used for them exchanged. There was a time when to do the ECM project on something, except Lotus Notes it was just strange. Then time has come and ended when to do the project on something, except Documentum, it was just indecent. Now Documentum will smoothly take the legally worthy place on the world Walk of Fame of ECM, and the place of "Lotus" was very effectively taken by Microsoft SharePoint. But now customers, I hope, too technically grew, and understand ecological niches of each of systems mentioned above.

In your opinion whether it is worth expecting some revolutionary jumps in development of ECM in the near future or slow evolving of such systems will continue?

Alexander Bader: As for revolutionary jumps, I, first, if knows, would not tell you, and, secondly, would live on own island in the Indian Ocean and you would communicate with me through my press secretaries.

As for "slow evolving will continue" then I accurately hear explicit negative coonotation. As though you try to prompt me the answer. Let's review better three examples from life about which I know firsthand.

The first – EDMS Hummingbird. A system with which, actually, emergence of the industrial ECM systems in Russia also began. For example, TerraLink performed the largest implementation in JSC MegaFon, and, not less large-scale, to "Karachaganak Petroleum Opereyting" in Kazakhstan. It is clear, that this system had significant restrictions, but, in general, was demanded, and on it lives many specialists, including, from those who so successfully advanced then Documentum learned. And then colleagues from Hummingbird decided to release the new revolutionary version. Whether it was a basic reason, or just sign of small mind, but soon the brand was absorbed by OpenText company. It even had to fight for it as a system was really not bad and still is in demand in the world. It still develops and on sale, but already under a new trade name – OpenText eDocs DM. Though, for obvious reasons, a share of sales of this product in turnover of OpenText company it is incommensurable less, than a share of OpenText Content Server Platform. Also it is under authority of division which is responsible for products which peak of glory, alas, already passed.

The second – hotter, Documentum. In due time, not so long ago, they released in a row three versions, one revolyutsionny another, and incompatible all among themselves. About the rest, almost literally, see above. The twist of fate consists that Documentum was the chief grave-digger of Hummingbird in Russia just. And now both of them will stand peacefully nearby in the price list of OpenText company. And maybe, the destiny will dispose even more abruptly if, for example, it turns out that Documentum will transfer to the jurisdiction of the same division of OpenText which is responsible for eDocs DM.

Well and the OpenText Content Server Platform system. Which, just, apparently, slowly evolves from the OpenText LiveLink systems to OpenText Content Lifecycle Management and, further, to cloud and quite revolutionary OpenText Cloud 16.

I do not want to tell these that revolutionary versions are always the reason of leaving of a product from the market. In my opinion, evolutionary development of a product and compatibility of the new version with previous is criterion of a responsible attitude of the owner of a brand to the users, and the return – just criterion of the irresponsible attitude of owners of a brand towards the users, with all the rest that from this follows.

How you think in how many years the main part of the Russian organizations will be able to refuse completely paper in document flow? What main obstacles in this way could you call?

Alexander Bader: Let's remain within reality. The answer – not soon and very gradually. We even still far not fully mastered intercorporate exchange of electronic documents. Inertia and the existing practice are very serious things. The country even on could construct communism for some 20 years, and you speak about completely paperless document flow.

Very much the legislation focused on practice in the field of work with electronic documents would help, it would give a powerful incentive to development of our industry, and, I would tell, even for society and economy in general.

What, in your understanding, should be a "ideal" ECM system? What shortcomings typical for modern solutions, should it be deprived? What opportunities, so far unavailable to modern solutions, should it have?

Alexander Bader: It is possible to dream that sometime there will be ECM systems which will be predintegrirovana with all leading ERP systems, to have special releases under each industry, to be scaled, protected, not to require administration by the customer and not needing any programming at implementation.

For now before it is far and therefore it is possible, in the current conditions, it is simple to define an ideal ECM system and it is evident. An ECM system, ideal without quotes, is the management system for business content on the OpenText platform developed by TerraLink company.