The Minister of Health reported to Putin on fast start of the IT system of control of purchases of drugs
Customers: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health) Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare Contractors: Rostec (state corporation) Product: FSIS (individual development)Project date: 2016/10 - 2019/09
Project's budget: 247 million руб.
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The Minister of Health reported to Putin on fast start of the IT system of control of purchases of drugs
On July 19, 2017 the Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova at a meeting of the president Vladimir Putin with members of the government reported on a current status of a monitoring system and control in the field of purchases of drugs and plans for its development. According to the minister, as of the middle of 2017 in the system brought into test operation in March 29.4 thousand signed contracts on 22.2 thousand trade names of drugs for the total amount of 20.6 billion rubles are registered.
Already today we have an opportunity to quickly see the weighted average prices, including by producers, suppliers and the state customers of drugs, - she noted. |
A system continues to be filled with data, and at the same time some technology nuances of its work are fulfilled, the Minister of Health added.
Within the project the structured reference book directory of medicines on the basis of the state registers, the registered medicines, and marginal selling prices was developed and integrated with the unified information system in the field of purchases. Veronika Skvortsova explained that the directory was built in a purchasing system and gives the chance to enter there the structured information which it is automated is processed and given already to a monitoring system of purchases of drugs.
It, according to the minister, allows department to analyze quickly information and at the planning level of purchases, and based on competitive procedures. A system it is also automated calculates the weighted market prices of similar purchases by the international unlicensed and trade names of drugs and objektivizirut all deviations from them.
In order that since January 1, 2018 as it is planned, a system turned into commercial operation, it is necessary to adopt some regulatory legal acts. The most important, Veronika Skvortsova noted, is the law entering a concept and fixing in all territory of the country of EGIS in the field of health care, one of components of which is the information and analytical system of monitoring of purchases of drugs.
According to Skvortsova, after adoption of this law already prepared government decrees on functioning of a control system of purchase of drugs and the bill prepared together with FAS according to the standard contract on purchase of drugs will be accepted.
On the basis of the analysis of actual data together with FAS algorithms of control and response to the revealed deviations of the prices from weighted average will also be fulfilled.
The minister reported that further development of a control system of purchases of drugs is connected with its integration with other segments of EGIS in the field of health care.
It will allow us to trace all process of provision of medicines: from check in each medical organization of adequacy of prescription of medicines according to clinical recommendations to assessment of a remaining balance of drugs in the medical organizations, in drugstores and in warehouses, - Skvortsova said. |
According to her, such pilot project was started this year together with Biocad company on providing two regions with oncological medicines: St. Petersburg and Sverdlovsk region.
Also integration of a system with an automated system of monitoring of the movement of medicines on the basis of their marking is planned. The Ministry of Health expects that it will allow to define timely poor-quality products, counterfeits and counterfeits, to remove them from the market and, "prevent" a repeated throw - resale of expensive drugs for preferential providing which are bought on the state money.
Until the end of the year it is necessary to make and changes in the Administrative Code which would set liability for distortion of information which is imposed in a system, and non-use of information by preparation for signing of the contracts, Skvortsova noted. These regulations will be entered is delayed, after completion of accumulation of the main array of information in a system.
As basic contracts at us are signed in 1 quarter of year and procurements are conducted in the 1 and 2 quarter, we plan introduction of these regulations since July 1, in the second half of the year 2018, - she said. |
Rostec is appointed by the only contractor on development and support of a system
In March, 2017 the Rostec state corporation was appointed the only contractor on development and support of an information and analytical subsystem of monitoring and control in the field of purchases of medicines for ensuring the state and municipal needs. The corresponding order (No. 408-r of 3/7/2017) was signed in March, 2017 by the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev.
The monitoring system of prices of medicines at state procurements filled up the list of subsystems within EGIS of health care on which development and support from 2014 to 2018 Rostec was appointed to the period by the only contractor of state orders the order of the government in 2013. Treat them: federal electronic registry, the integrated electronic medical record, maintaining specialized registers of patients on separate nozologiya and categories of citizens.
Putin at a meeting emphasized that a problem of availability of free drugs – one of the sharpest also still remains like that. Now it is important to debug finally this system operation, including to provide responsibility of bidders for correctness and reliability of data which they place in it, the president noted.
Beginning of system development
At the beginning of November, 2016 the Ministry of Health began to develop an order of functioning of the information and analytical system (IAS) which will allow to monitor prices of medicines at state procurements. Department marked the notification on it on the official site of legal acts.
As envisioned by the government, a new system should increase efficiency and transparency of state procurements. All information on the public and municipal procurements will be concentrated in a system. It will allow to eliminate, in particular, unreasonable price dispersion on drugs which can reach more than 25%.
By estimates of the Ministry of Health, the annual volume of state procurements is more than 30% of all market of drugs, the state spends for purchase of medicines about 400 billion rubles annually.[1]
A system will allow to analyze quickly information on purchases of medicine in each region, we will trace prices of medicines, to calculate the weighted market value of medicines and further to use these data at determination of the starting price of the purchase contract", – the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev in October said. |
Besides, the monitoring system should protect citizens from a counterfeit and a counterfeit. It will allow to trace that counterfeits did not get to drugstores, and buyers could check legality of medicines. For this purpose all drugs should be marked by QR codes – according to the estimates of the Ministry of Health, these are more than 5 billion packagings a year. In 2017 marking will be on a voluntary basis, since 2018 – will become obligatory (see the passport of the project).
According to the estimates of the Ministry of Health, more than 350 thousand participants (subjects of the address of medicines) will be involved in a system. Because of scale of the project developers warn also about potential risks of system implementation. First, perhaps temporary reduction of the range of drugs because it will be required to put QR codes. Secondly, cost value of medicines can increase, more it belongs to cheap drugs. Developers are going to get rid of this risk, applying the cheapest method of marking. And, thirdly, because of technical failures there can be a delay of drugs on the way to the end buyer.
Putin's order about creation of a system
The president Vladimir Putin charged to develop a monitoring system of purchases of drugs to the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and Rostec state corporation in August, 2016. Its input in trial operation is provided since March 1, 2017, in commercial operation — since January 1, 2018, it was told in order of the president.
The project budget makes 247 million rubles.
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