Customers: Izvestia of ID
Contractors: Jet Infosystems Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructureProject date: 2016/07 - 2016/09
On November 8, 2016 the Jet Infosystems company announced project completion of complex equipment of office of Izvestia newspaper editorial office.
Project Tasks
We were faced by a task in a short time "from scratch" to prepare new office for relocation of the editorial office, having provided jobs with all completeness of functionality which is necessary for daily work of employees of the daily. The reasonableness and careful study of the solution proposed by experts of Jet Infosystems company caused the choice of integrator as the contractor of the project. As a result relocation of the editorial office took place without stopping workflows – in appointed day employees came to work in new office and started the permanent responsibilities. |
Project Progress
During the project complex engineering equipment of the server premises, including conditioning systems and ventilation, automatic gas fire fighting, lighting is executed. Six racks under the IT equipment are set. Installation of SCS for the server premises and jobs at office is executed. For ensuring the electric power sufficient for a power supply of loading in the server premises and in workplaces, the network of power supply is replaced, schemes of regular power supply are organized.
Project Results
The complex of works on creation of a LAN and the IP telephony system, including installation of devices and software clients in workplaces, setup of the functions corresponding to specifics of work of edition is executed.
The functionality of the IP telephony implements a corporate and external voice communication, video calls, record of audio-and video negotiations, chats, including group. The possibility of safe connection of remote workers to a corporate communication network by means of the Internet works. As the IP telephony system is business and critical for the customer, its full redundancy is provided.
At a stage of preparation of the project together with the customer's IT specialists we detailed requirements to infrastructure of jobs, concretized necessary characteristics of the equipment and software, volumes and the sequence of works. It allowed to meet a short time and at the same time to implement all functionality necessary for the customer. |
The system of a video conferencing in specially equipped rooms is implemented and customized. The mobility of employees in office by means of Wi-Fi is provided.
The works are completed in one month.