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Tander of the beginning connection of partners to electronic document management

Customers: Tander Retail network Magnet

Contractors: Edisoft
Product: Edisoft Data Interchange Platform (EDI Platform)

Project date: 2016/09

On November 14, 2016 the Edisoft company announced the agreement with Tander network on cooperation in the project of rendering services of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on direct connection.

Project Tasks

Under the terms of the agreement the Edisoft provider will provide to all interested supplier companies direct and quick access to exchange of logistic EDI messages (ORDERS, ORDRSP, DESADV, RECADV), guaranteeing security and stability of work[1].

Action of Tander company, (2011)
Cooperation with Tander company is strategic for Edisoft

Sergey Mamiyev, commercial director of Edisoft

According to the statement of the company, with implementation of technology partners in the project expect growth of quality of information in the course of Electronic Data Interchange of the company retailer, lack of manual entry of data in ERP, transparency in exchange of documents, simplifications of process of a supply chain, lack of errors when processing orders and decrease in tax risks.