Customers: Mosgortrans, SUE Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Second product: The module 1C: Motor Vehicle Management for 1C:ERP Project date: 2016/01
Project's budget: 42 million руб.
Mosgortrans decided to transfer the management system for financial and economic activity from the SAP platform on 1C:ERP. For this purpose on November 23, 2016 the enterprise announced an open competition[1] with the starting price of contracts of 47.7 million rubles. Its results were summed up on January 18, 2017.
It should be noted that summing up was preceded by the complaint FULL FACE and charges of the customer of restrictions at experience evaluation of participants.
In particular, during order taking for participation to Mosgortrans the inquiry with a request was sent to explain and confirm the fact of restrictions. The unnamed company specified that at the tender documentation there was a condition of presence at the participant of experience of execution of works on implementing solutions based on "1C:Enterprise 8" under agreements according to 94-FZ, 223-FZ or 44-FZ for needs of transport enterprises with the number of branches not less than 10, transporting passengers and baggage.
Referring to the register of EIS, this company claimed that only one enterprise - TransContainer meets required conditions. Nevertheless, in the answer of the customer it was explained that requirements to procurement participants are set in full accordance with Regulations on purchases SUE Mosgortrans.
On December 8 the Moscow Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service announced (ASBK) which arrived from "Automated Systems and Budget Consulting" company to the complaint to actions of Mosgortrans when carrying out tender. According to the applicant, violation was expressed in the approval of the tender documentation with violations of the current legislation.
However, during consideration of the complaint it became clear that ASBK did not submit the bid and according to the law has no right to appeal against actions of the organizer of biddings. Thus, the antimonopoly service left the complaint of the applicant without consideration and lifted limits for carrying out tender.
January 18, 2017 The tender committee of Mosgortrans considered the only request which arrived on tender. "The center for problems of informatization of the sphere of culture" suggested to perform all works on the contract for 42 million rubles (decrease percent - about 12%). The commission allowed it before participation, but at the same time recognized an open competition cancelled because only one application was submitted and allowed to participation.
Thus, it is possible to assume that the agreement will be signed with the only participant - "The center for problems of informatization of the sphere of culture (PIK Center)".
In the last two years "PIK Center" of 11 times won tenders of Mosgortrans for total amount about 220 million rubles.
The uniform automated control system for financial and economic activity (EASU FHD) is used in branches "Service of Power Economy", "Service of Income and Control" and in Management SUE Mosgortrans. It is intended for automation of key production and auxiliary business processes. Upgrade of the solution is directed to decrease in operating costs of the enterprise and also increase in efficiency of its management.
Upgraded a system should consist of the following subsystems:
- Management of finance;
- Regulated accounting;
- Personnel management and payroll;
- Production management;
- Cost management and cost accounting;
- Purchase management;
- Management of a warehouse and stocks;
- Organization of repairs;
- Control of transport.
It should be implemented based on the solutions "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" and "1C: Motor Vehicle Management. Prof", united in uniform information base. In addition, the upgraded solution should be integrated with some other the systems used at the enterprise including with the system of the consolidated accounting records, a management system for the normative reference information, etc.
Also within the current project for preparation of a system for commissioning the contractor should provide unloading of initial data from the accounting systems based on SAP which were used in branches of the enterprise.
All works should be performed within 155 working days from the moment of signing of the contract.
EASU FHD on SAP R/3 platform was implemented in Mosgortrans since 2006. As the contractor in this project the company of Smarttekhnologiya acted.