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Developers: 2Test (Alkor-Kommyyunikeyshin)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016

Company 2test in November, 2016 announced the complete solution for management of engineering infrastructure of the building and technology processes of the enterprise. The solution of PROFIOFIS works on IP technology which provides flexibility and scalability and also opportunities for development and development of new scenarios of operation.

A system allows to integrate in a single network the separate infrastructure networks built on the basis of different technologies, often technology incompatible, for example, conditioning systems, power supply, access control, heating, lighting, etc. and to create a single network of management of all engineering infrastructure, security and personnel.

Distinctive feature of a system is the decentralizovannost: in a system there are no crucial elements - control of all elements of network is exercised via the microswitch that considerably increases reliability and security of a system. In case of refusal one of elements of network, unavailable will be only one device. Failure of sections of network or systems in such architecture in principle is impossible - there is no uniform managing link.

The system of PROFIOFIS has a range of applications: management of the engineering systems of the building, creation of the working conditions meeting needs of employees, intellectual management of office, a security system and many other things. Now, when all people leave an office, light in an office dies away, and at an exit of employees from office, a power supply is taken away from electric and network sockets. Each employee can configure lighting in the workplace according to the preferences and to reserve the meeting room enough to create an event in Outlook. A system will automatically offer the placement at the choice, will set optimal temperature to your arrival, the projector and network will include. At the same time unauthorized access to network is impossible - ports are blocked physically until the employee does not enter the password. A system is capable to monitor existence of physical connection of devices. In case of shutdown of the device, the relevant information is transferred to the manager and security service specialists. It allows to detect hardware failures or attempts of theft timely. In case of emergency emergence, a system will automatically call emergency services, will notify on need of evacuation of employees and will deenergize power sources in the field of accident.