Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
The Bank of Russia revoked on January 19, 2018 a license for banking operations from Barnaul "Altaybusiness-bank". The press service of the Central Bank reports about it. Problems in activity of bank appeared in connection with use of the risky business model focused on crediting of the companies connected with the management of bank therefore were created on balance of credit institution of considerable volume of low-quality assets.
Bank of Russia neodnokratno primenyal v otnoshenii JSB Altaybusiness-bank (JSC) mery nadzornogo reagirovaniya, v tom chisle dvazhdy vvodil ogranicheniya i odin raz zapret na privlecheniye vkladov naseleniya. Rukovodstvom i sobstvennikami creditnoy organizatsii ne predprinyaty deystvennye mery po normalizatsii ee deyatelnosti. Bolee togo, voznikshy v 2017 godu korporativny konflikt mezhdu aktsionerami JSB Altaybusiness-bank (JSC) interfered with stabilization of a financial position of bank that demonstrated hopelessness of its further functioning", says the regulator.
As a result of the Central Bank made the decision on an output of "Altaybusiness-bank" from the market of banking services. The decision of the regulator is made in connection with non-execution by credit institution of the federal laws regulating banking activity and also regulations of the Bank of Russia.
Altaybusiness-bank is a participant of deposit insurance system. According to the Bank of Russia for December 1, 2017, the bank took the 512th place in the country on the value of assets.
According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as of 11/1/2016 the volume of assets of bank is 782.1 million rubles, the amount of the loan portfolio – 499.3 million rubles, a portfolio of household deposits – 319.3 million rubles.