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For the University Innopolis is created interactive service for work with students

Customers: Innopolis university

Product: Corporate portal - projects of upgrade

Project date: 2016/03  - 2016/09

With the assistance of ICL company System technologies, the resident of the Innopolis SEZ, based on the University Innopolis is created "The career portal". It will become the universal platform for communications of students and employers and also will allow higher education institution to control in real time the employment level and demands of students and, if necessary, timely to adjust curricula and practical works, concentrating, first of all, on competences and skills which are really necessary to employers.

Most the Russian higher education institutions faced a problem of the low level of employment of graduates in the specialty. Reasons for that weight. The most widespread of them — a lack of information on the offered vacancies and prospects of career development, internal uncertainty in the forces for start of a labor activity and, as a result, lack of motivation to search of the best option of employment. In a case with IT specialties the situation becomes complicated also the fact that the sphere of their application is rather limited, most of employers needs highly skilled IT specialists with experience, so to find the good offer in labor market to the student even more difficult. Specialists of ICL company System technologies, proceeding from own practices and long-term experience of projects implementation in the field of human capital management, developed technical solution "The career portal", capable to bring work with students to essentially new level.

The Innopolis University acted as the pilot platform on approbation of the solution. And as at this higher education institution of the specified problems with employment of graduates does not arise, creation of the uniform interactive platform for interaction of students, the University Innopolis and employers - residents of the Innopolis SEZ and implementation of the new, praktiko-focused mechanisms of training and systematic "prokachivaniye" of competences of students based on employers became the key purpose of implementation of "The career portal".

"Created based on the Career Portal university it is regarded by us as the additional tool which will help graduates to implement most effectively the potential, and to residents of the city of Innopolis to pick up to itself skilled workers with the most suitable set of competences — Semenikhin Kirill comments, the director of the University Innopolis — In a work progress over the project was created the joint working group including specialists of ICL company System technologies and the University Innopolis"

For each category of users "The career portal" offers the set of functional elements. Within interaction "the student — the employer": the student obtains the complete information about the companies in which the profession interesting him, and the employer — the complete information about all students of all rates and directions of the university for candidate screen on internship programs and open vacancies is demanded. Within interaction Higher education institution employer: The higher education institution reveals the skills which are most demanded by employers and adjusts according to them the curriculum, the employer selects students by a set of criteria, relying also on their practical activities, and on the recommendations of higher education institution, receiving in staff of perspective and talented young professionals. Within interaction "student higher education institution": the student receives recommendations from the teachers and from coaches of employers based on training, the higher education institution analyzes the overall level of demand of students and carries out extra work with the least demanded of them.

"One of features of the University Innopolis is active involvement of university in process of employment of graduates. Our purpose — 100% - employment of graduates within 3 months — Aliya Samatova tells, the vice rector — the head of department of development of the University Innopolis — at the same time "The career portal" is not just an analog of resources on job search, it also the instrument of monitoring of career of graduates and the analysis of the competences created by the university. Analytic functions of the portal which we are going to implement as the next step will allow to draw indirectly conclusions about demand of graduates among the target companies and the competences which are in addition required to the market. For example, compliance of competences of graduates to profiles of vacancies can be analyzed both on the closed positions, and according to negative summaries, degree of a covering of vacancies competences of graduates of target segments of the industry — according to the analysis of vacancies on which any graduate did not approach. The portal becomes the instrument of joining of education and the companies in broad understanding of this interaction".
"Thanks to "The career portal" young specialists gain an impression about own demand in labor market and if necessary there can take place training at residents of the SEZ, developing in themselves those disruptive skills and competences which will be useful to them during a labor activity — Valentina Kulagina, the expert in the field of personnel solutions of ICL company considers System technologies — In other words, using the portal we can leave from dummy training and pass to the real praktiko-focused model of training of students, create the effective mechanism of assistance of youth in professional self-determination and in the choice of the employer. And in these processes an important role is played, of course employers, those who understand that behind youth the future".

Work of the portal is organized in the test mode. In a system about 100 curricula vitae of the students taking an intensive course of training at the University Innopolis are already registered. The portal will start working closer by spring to the full extent. Exactly by this time it is going to connect to a resource the rest of pupils and also all employers of the Innopolis SEZ.

According to the expert of ICL company System technologies of Valentina Kulagina, using "The career portal" employers of the Innopolis SEZ will be able to attract highly motivated and qualified young personnel in the company. And the choice will be performed not only from the students who responded to a vacancy, and from all volume of flows and courses of educational institution. Most likely this model will be pleasant also to students as to them at the expense of an electronic portfolio where both the employer, and the teacher of higher education institution can confirm presence of these or those at it competences, it is not necessary on each interview any more is declarative to declare the capabilities and achievements. As a result employers will begin to fight for talent, offering much advantageous conditions of employment and interesting projects. The expert added also that in plans of ICL company System technologies to broadcast the got positive experience, involving other educational institutions of Tatarstan, including Open Source in joint work. It will allow to create qualitatively new pool of young professionals in key industries of economy and to strengthen the personnel capacity of the republic in general.