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Varna technical university (ELARSKAN)

Customers: Varna technical university

Varna; Science and education


Project date: 2016/03  - 2016/09

At the Varna technical university the seminar presentation during which experts and teachers of university estimated convenience of ELARSKAN of A2 took place in December, 2016 and discussed possibilities of use of the equipment for creation of electronic collections, supports of distance learning, the organization of self-service of students.

The library of the technical university of Varna is a member of the Union of library and information specialists (ULIS) and Association of university libraries. The library stock includes about 200,000 volumes of specialized literature and has huge value for training of students and scientific work of the faculty. Now to electronic resources of university library access for readers from all corners of the country and foreign users is provided.

As the director of library of the university Lyubov Vjlkova notes, "the modern specialized equipment for digitization of educational and methodical and scientific literature is designed to solve many important problems of our activity. We consider the possibility of application of ELARSKAN for replenishment of the digital library providing readers with educational and methodical materials in a digital form. We also discuss application Elarskanov for creation of public service of independent scanning".