Customers: Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, Uraltrak Chelyabinsk; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Compulink (Compulink) Group Product: Complex projects of creation of the engineering systemsProject date: 2016/12
Project's budget: 503 000 000 руб.
On December 21, 2016 the press service of Compulink group announced a victory in the tender for upgrade of the systems of heat supply of Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant-URALTRAK LLC. The stated cost of services of the system integrator of 503 million rubles.
Project Tasks
According to terms of the contract Compulink Group will prepare the project documentation, will carry out modernization of heating systems, vyplnit installation and commissioning of the block and modular boiler houses (BMBH) and air-gas heaters with the subsequent commissioning.
For upgrade of a heating system of ChTZ-URALTRAK LLC it is going to carry out decentralization of heat supply by installation of 11 local BMK with a total power of 36.8 MW. Heat from boiler houses will arrive for heating of administrative buildings of the enterprise.
In addition, the contractor should organize heat supply of production premises of the plant using the air-gas equipment with a total power of 29 MW.
On predesigns implementation of the contract should provide economic effect of use of energy resources (gas, the electric power) of ChTZ-URALTRAK LLC for the amount more than 700 million rubles within five years.