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2016/12/28 14:28:01

Elena Ivanova, EOS Group: Modern solutions of the Russian IT companies are not inferior in quality to the western analogs

The marketing director of Electronic Office Systems (EOS) company Elena Ivanova in an interview of TAdviser told about drivers of the Russian EDMS/ECM systems market, demand of mobile applications and attention to a usability and ease of use.

Elena Ivanova Modern solutions of the Russian IT companies are not inferior

in quality to the western analogs

How do you consider whether it is possible to call the Russian EDMS/ECM systems market mature? If yes, that in what is shown this maturity?

Elena Ivanova: Yes, mature Russian market. It seems to me, in it unanimously most of players. But mature, it does not mean not dynamic. By no means. Our market owing to the maturity – clear, with the defined pool of serious players, with their niches - too quite clear. Now in the market there is a powerful accumulation of functionality of solutions because potential is still high, and moreover – the new, adjacent markets open. Our systems allow to close already and specialized customers needs which directly to SEDAM do not belong - it are project management and budgets, a quality management system, time-management, management of working teams and their tasks, solutions for insurance companies, legal, construction, medical, logistic.

Call the main trends (market and product) the Russian EDMS/ECM market in 2016?

Elena Ivanova: Market – it is natural crisis which affected customers and their requirements. All try to optimize the costs, but it by the way not strongly concerns the IT direction. In IT reserves for economy are hidden. Now the companies aim to create an effective IT ecosystem through implementing solutions which are seamlessly integrated among themselves. By the way, at last that the possibility of acquisition of solutions on a subscription "shot" here. I write, "at last that" because EOS began to offer the clients such opportunity 4 years ago. Many looked narrowly, but did not use. Now the market ripened and grew. And today, on the contrary, users want to get access to systems quickly, conveniently, avoiding risks of heavy, serious investments and their long payback. Today and access to ECM systems should be the fast lung, convenient, and they should be the most friendly and clear.

Concerning product trends It should be noted that business companies need already far not just EDMS and even ECM. A system should close a set of other routine tasks – for example, project management, meetings, corporate portals. Such opportunities as intellectual quick search, comparison of document revisions, possibilities of a video conferencing are important.

One more trend – creation of full-fledged electronic archives. The large companies saved up large volumes of electronic documents – it is necessary to store them correctly.

In your opinion what impact on the market the trend had on import substitution and what perspectives it will have in the next years?

Elena Ivanova: Import substitution is, I would tell, a strong driving force for very dynamic market development. In my opinion, the high potential for the market is put also in close attention of the state, in support of the Russian software and developers.

Recently it was announced development of the version of EDMS "Case" which will support DBMS Postgres Pro. Can you sound approximate terms of a release of this version? What hopes do you lay on this solution?

Elena Ivanova: We are going to release the full version to the middle of the next year. Of course, all of us work in order that our clients had ample opportunities of the choice including at what DBMS to work. Due to the general trend in state policy on import substitution, solutions on Postgres Pro DBMS and also on ALT Linux, unambiguously, are already of interest at our clients. In general already now we receive the mass of requests. I will note that we conduct works in dense cooperation and with the most active help of colleagues from the companies Postgres Professional and BaseALT.

If to speak about average standard implementation of EDMS, then what share in the total cost of the project is occupied by software licenses and what – services?

Elena Ivanova: If to speak about standard implementation, without completions and dopisok software – 50 on 50. So a half - licenses, a half – services.

Try to estimate dynamics of the Russian EDMS/ECM systems market in 2015 and 2016.

Elena Ivanova: In 2015 - it is the recession, not significant, but nevertheless. 2016 – the beginning of growth, first of all, due to redistribution of interests of customers from the western software on Russian. Here undoubted drivers – import substitution and the register. At the same time I will note that the Russian developer companies offer users more and more worked, functional, interesting and friendly solutions today. So the quality of domestic software grows, and it is guarantee of dynamic market development, at least too - in 2017.

What else drivers of the market could you call?

Elena Ivanova: One more driver in addition to above written, this job enrichment, solved by the systems of such class and change of a portrait of users. So for example, now often the head wants to control and be completely in processes.

In mobile applications too the user's portrait strongly changed. Now in addition to heads almost all staff of the company uses such applications. All this affects also required functionality and, of course, gives other volumes of licenses.

How do you estimate demand of mobile solutions in 2016?

Elena Ivanova: Now rather high demand is observed both in state agencies, and in large business companies where systematic development and the EDMS/ECM systems expansion is conducted. Such clients not only buy boxed solutions, but also order customized mobile applications. The average commercial segment looks narrowly at mobile applications from an acquisition position now next year rather.

As for the consumer's portrait, as it was already told, all employees already use mobile applications. It, in turn, predetermines more dynamic demand, fast development of functionality, ease and availability of work with such applications.

What functions of mobile solutions, in your opinion, can be interesting to users further?

Elena Ivanova: Now we see development of mobile applications in our market in two directions: building of opportunities in the field of document flow (for example, full-text search on all base, viewing the connected documents, etc.) and new functional modules which will be designed to optimize work in the field of management of meetings, to monitor control of performing discipline (analyst), to perform a subscription to newsfeeds, etc.

Thus, the speech already goes about some sort the control panel, accumulating different information and allowing to work with it in different cuts. For example, some users would like to have the news block within our mobile application in order that on some especially important news right there to create instructions. Or, for example, to see the instructions in the calendar together with other actions and meetings that will allow the user to manage the time effectively.