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Sugar iQ (diabetic program)

The name of the base system (platform): IBM Watson
Developers: Medtronic, IBM
Date of the premiere of the system: January 2017
Last Release Date: January 2019
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare


2019: IQcast tool announcement

On January 3, 2019, the companies IBM Medtronic introduced IQcast, a hypoglycemia prediction tool built into the Metronics Sugar.IQ. The program is intended for patients diabetes mellitus who require multiple daily injections. insulin

Using machine learning algorithms based on readings from the Medtronics Guardian Connect continuous glucose monitoring system, IQcast can predict the likelihood of hypoglycemia over the next 1-4 hours and recommend actions to help avoid this adverse event. In patients with type 2 diabetes, multiple episodes of hypoglycemia are fraught with severe complications, and in patients with type 1 diabetes, a decrease in blood glucose can lead to fainting or even death.

New IBM development to help diabetics avoid hypoglycemia

After identifying the patient at risk of hypoglycemic condition, IQcast informs him via the app via Sugar.IQ, indicating the severity of the risk as low, medium or high. The accuracy of forecasts is improving over time as lower blood sugar levels become increasingly inevitable, IBM said.

In scientific sessions of the American Association for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, the IBM and Medtronic team presented data that showed that when using continuous glucose monitoring in combination with Sugar.IQ, patients receive 36 additional minutes with normal blood glucose levels ¬ - they have 30 minutes less hyperglycemia duration and 6 minutes less hypoglycemia periods.

The Sugar.IQ app with IQcast is available for iOS in the US, but can only be used in conjunction with the Guardian Connect continuous glucose monitoring system developed by Medtronic.[1]

2017: Sugar iQ App Announcement

At CES 2017 in early January, medical device maker Medtronic announced the diabetes app Sugar iQ, which is based on the IBM Watson cognitive computing platform.

Sugar.IQ continuously monitors glucose in real time and uses insulin level information from Medtronic sensors and insulin pumps. The program can inform users about which foods can affect blood sugar levels, track diets for a long time and identify hidden patterns based on the findings.

Sugar iQ Application Interface
One of Watson's most interesting applications is healthcare and medicine, "says Huzefa Neemuchwala, lead engineer and senior director of Data and Informatics Innovation at Medtronic's diabetes solutions division. - Thanks to Watson, the Sugar iQ app becomes a personal assistant in predictive care for diabetes patients.

Sugar iQ works in tandem with the device that the patient carries on himself. This device is able to predict hypoglycemia three to four hours before it occurs. The gadget analyzes information and identifies a certain set of food products that affect the life of the human body. This ensures higher control over the patient and the symptoms of dangerous diseases or exacerbations. Knowledge of how to manage diabetes and what to do with its development will be able to produce revolutions in the treatment of this disease, IBM said in a statement.

By the end of September 2016, Sugar iQ was being tested by about 100 users. The timing of the public launch of the application is unknown by January 9, 2017.[2]
