Elar digitized more than 400 editions for the St. Petersburg State library for blind and visually impaired
Customers: The St. Petersburg state library for blind and visually impaired (SPBGBSS) St. Petersburg; Science and education Contractors: ELAR (Electronic archive, NPO Opyt) Product: ELAR PlanskanProject date: 2016/03 - 2017/07
ELAR corporation digitized editions for the St. Petersburg state library for blind and visually impaired. In a project deliverable specialized literature in a digital format filled the Digital library "Correctional pedagogics and psychology".
The digital library "Correctional pedagogics and psychology", the project of the St. Petersburg state library for blind and visually impaired, is implemented for the purpose of providing broad access to special scientific and educational literature. "One of problems of creation of a digital library — ensuring safety of editions, many of which are cultural monuments and historical values. Object of storage of EB SPBGBSS – structurally complete element of fund of a digital library focused on long-term use and repeated reference to its contents", - it is said on the website of organization.
Project Results
Specialists of ELAR scanned 136 thousand pages of editions on planetary scanners of the Planskan brand. At a retroconversion stage according to information which is contained on title pages of books and magazines bibliographic descriptions in the RUSMARC format, for loading in the automated library information system were made. Also e-books in the PDF format with full text recognition for context search were created.
"Technology stages and features of creation of electronic book collections are fulfilled by the company during implementation of a set of projects in libraries which we execute nearly twenty five years, - the deputy manager of department on work with libraries and universities of ELAR corporation Vadim Andrenyuk says. - In particular, for scanning of documents the technology assumes use only of planetary scanners in which there is no radiation, destructive for paper, and book cradles allow to open editions, without damaging their cover".
Digitization of 400 editions
On August 3, 2017 the Elar corporation announced digitization more than 400 editions for filling of the digital library "Correctional pedagogics and psychology" which is a part of uniform fund of the St. Petersburg State library for blind and visually impaired (SPBGBSS).
The digitized editions are available to readers of a digital library either online, or only from the reading room of our library. Access to documents is regulated by the legislation on author's and the neighboring rights — Ekaterina Sedova managing the information sector of tiflologichesky department SPBGBSS told. |
Within the project on planetary scanners of the Planskan brand specialized editions on pedagogics and psychology are scanned. These are collections of scientific articles and lectures, reference books and monographs about history of pedagogical science, its modern concepts, methodologies, etc. After scanning in information which is contained on title pages of books and magazines for loading in the automated library information system bibliographic descriptions in the RUSMARC format were made. For convenience of readers of a digital library specialists of corporation create e-books in a PDF format.