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Баннер в шапке 2

Harvest the Trade and clearing system of the Moscow Exchange for agricultural products

The name of the base system (platform): JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP)
Developers: Moscow Exchange (MICEX-RTS)

The Harvest system started at the end of 2015 for implementation grain (wheat, barley, corn) allows clients of the exchange not only to purchase goods in a warehouse of the seller, but also at the same time to sign the agreement of delivery to any railway station in the territory of Russia.

The trade and clearing system of the Moscow Exchange "Harvest" for sales of grain was constructed on open source solutions. In particular the core of a system was implemented on the platform Red Hat JBoss EAP (Enterprise Application Platform). In quality DBMS it was used FirebirdSQL — the free cross-platform database management system working on Mac OS Linux, Microsoft Windows and different Unix- platforms. "The exchange is a partner of community of development Firebird" — explained CNews the choice in the organization[1].

The "legendary" solution Nginx distributed under the free BSD license became the proxy server. His author is the native of Rambler, the Russian Sysoyev Igor programmer who in 2011 founded company Nginx, Inc for promotion of the product.

For communication between components of a system RabbitMQ message queue working at a basis of the AMQP standard (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) and extending under Mozilla Public License Open Source license is used.

The free system of tracking of the statuses of various services of a computer network, servers and network equipment of Zabbix written by Russian Alexey Vladyshev — the head of the company of the same name is used for monitoring of "Harvest".

The direct developer of "Harvest" was selected by Moscow Exchange at tender. The Information Technologies of the Future company became it. According to the USRLE, it was registered on November 25, 2010. The only founder declares Valentina Samburova. By data Circuit.focus, is registered for the company 28 government contracts for the total amount of p589 as one million. The customer does not disclose contract amount with Exchange (a state purchaser under the law is not).

According to the top manager, two other traditional trade and clearing systems of the exchange (ASTS and Spectra) servicing financial markets work in the microsecond mode with big performance — millions of transactions a day, thousands per second. At goods market of the requirement to systems others. They can work in the second mode because requests passes much less through them — 50 thousand a day. But the options connected with reality of goods are required. It strongly differs from virtual in fact financial instruments for which only aspects of biddings are relevant, but questions of deliveries and their cost are not important.

For the classical systems with high requirements to performance, fault tolerance and level of information security the exchange uses real servers. It could use for "Harvest" about 30 virtual at which works the main and reserve systems and also a test circuit.

At the Moscow Exchange in parallel there are five main markets constructed on three trade and clearing systems

See Also