Customers: Bashvolgotanker Shipping company Contractors: Business solution Product: 1C:Enterprise 8.3На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2016/10 - 2017/08
Number of licenses: 150
On January 19, 2017 the Businessresheniye company announced implementation of an automated system "Integrated management of costs" in Ltd Bashvolgotanker Shipping company.
In the summer of 2017 of Businessreshene Group accomplishment of the first efficiency evaluation of an automated system "Corporate management by costs" in Bashvolgotanker Shipping Company Ltd is completed. Trial operation of the 1st release of AS within which there was an automated management of repairs at the enterprise is made. The uniform qualifiers of repair work integrating data of all plants contractors are created. Filling of AS is executed by data on the performed earlier repair work which will give the chance qualitatively to approve specifications of repairs. During the internavigation period formation of specifications of scheduled repairs is planned.
Are automated::
- Economic analysis and planning.
- Management of ship repairs.
- Management of contractual commitments.
The implemented automated system covered all services of the enterprise providing activity of shipping company in all structural divisions (Samara, Astrakhan, Ufa, Yaroslavl).
Hundred jobs are automated.
In February, 2017 Businessresheniye Group announced closing of the stage "Diagnostics" within an implementation project of an automated system "Integrated management of costs" for Bashvolgotanker Shipping Company Ltd.
During diagnostics implementation project borders were designated. Preparation and adoption of technical specifications on the 1st release of AS became a result of a stage.
According to the accepted technical specifications an automation object within the 1st release is management of ship repairs. The task provides automation of process of formation and approval of specifications of repairs and also ship repair schedule performance tracking automation. It is supposed that start of the 1st release of AS will render positive economic effect due to quality improvement of specifications and, as a result, significant savings on repairs and also reductions of idle time of courts because of repair.
Thus, the next stage of the project assumes implementation and start of the 1st release of AS "Integrated management of costs" according to the accepted technical specifications and also formation of technical specifications on the following release of a system.
In May, 2017 Businessresheniye Group closes the second stage of an implementation project of an automated system "Corporate management by costs" in Bashvolgotanker Shipping Company Ltd. Within a stage the 1st release of AS which automation object was management of ship repairs was brought into operation, and it is approved by terms of reference on the 2nd release of AS.
Within an automation object "Management of ship repairs" process of preparation of specifications of repairs on the basis of the uniform qualifier of works is automated.
Application of the uniform reference book allows to make contrastive analysis of costs for repairs on courts of identical type and also to trace repeated requests for accomplishment of the repair work which is optional. This approach allows to reduce significantly costs of the enterprise for repairs and to increase quality of approval of specifications.
Process of tracking of the course of accomplishment of repair according to the repair schedule is also automated that minimizes risks of failure of term of repair. It is especially important for prevention of demurrage during navigation.
Within the 2nd release of AS "Corporate management expenses" plan automation of the following automation objects:
- Material security management of courts.
- Budgeting and economic analysis.
Within an automation object "Management material providing courts" process of collecting, approval and tracking of requests for providing courts with material resources will be automated. It will allow to reduce costs for material security due to more careful approval of requirements and also will provide to all participants of process information on the status of accomplishment of the purchasing request and term of providing with material resources.
Within an automation object "Budgeting and the economic analysis" the procedure of preparation of an income and expense budget will be automated and also a number of the analytical reports necessary for the management of the enterprise for solutions will be created.
In total the 2nd release of AS provides automation of 40 jobs in addition to earlier automated.
In September, 2017 Businessresheniye Group carries out the next efficiency evaluation of an automated system "Corporate management by costs" in Bashvolgotanker Shipping Company Ltd. Regarding management of repairs in the selected courts the scenario of control of execution of diagrams of repair and control of formation of specifications of repairs is completely fulfilled.
Preparation for operation of AS regarding budgeting and the economic analysis is conducted that is an automation object of the second release of AS. Formation of the normative reference information then the project team will pass to formation of budgets and detection of requirements to obtaining actual data from AS of accounting is executed.
According to the plan of implementation the automated system "Corporate management by costs" will cover all services of the enterprise providing activity of shipping company in all structural divisions (Samara, Astrakhan, Ufa, Yaroslavl). The project provides the organization of 150 automated jobs. Three releases of an automated system are planned.