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2017/01/23 11:21:19

Noninvasive prenatal diagnostics

Noninvasive prenatal diagnostics is research DNA of future child by birth of the expectant mother for the purpose of identification of chromosomal anomalies. Accuracy of such diagnostics depends on amount of DNA of a fruit of the child (fetalny fraction) in the woman's blood. To receive reliable result the fetalny fraction should make not less than 4%. Researches showed that at 2% of women blood contains less than 4% of DNA of the child. Unlike technology of Roche Diagnostics company, all noninvasive tests which are not offered in the market provide measurement of number of fetalny fraction before carrying out a research.

For prenatal detection of congenital malformations and chromosomal anomalies of future child the screening of 1 trimester of pregnancy based on assessment of age of mother, ultrasonic and biochemical indicators is around the world carried out. By its results 1 of 20 future mothers put high risk of the birth of the child with chromosomal anomaly. To receive the exact answer, women with high risk are directed to so-called invasive diagnostics (a puncture of fetal covers and taking of material for determination of a set of chromosomes of the child). The invasive procedure bears risks of termination of pregnancy and therefore many women often refuse it. At the same time at 99 of 100 women based on invasive diagnosis of pathology it does not come to light and turns out that the research was conducted in vain.

The noninvasive research increases the frequency of identification of chromosomal anomalies, significantly reduces percent of false positive results, so, reduces the frequency of unjustifiable invasive interferences.

The Prenetix test is applicable from 10th week of pregnancy, can be carried out at women, as with monocarpous, and two-fetal pregnancy. The research allows to reveal the most frequent chromosomal anomalies of a fruit, such as Down syndrome, Edwards's syndrome, Patau's syndrome, Shereshevsky-Turner's syndrome and other, most frequent chromosomal anomalies, in particular aneuploidiya of sexual chromosomes which are not diagnosed during standard screening. Prenetix accuracy on screening of a Down syndrome is - 99.9%.

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