Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Customers: Uralkontrakt

Orenburg; Metallurgical industry

Contractors: Inpro
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2006/08  - 2008/05
Number of licenses: 30

For maintaining managerial, accounting and tax accounting, production management, planning and also the solution of many other tasks at the enterprise the automated system developed by specialists of INPRO company (1C: Franchisee, Orenburg) on the basis of the standard application solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is used.

When developing an information system features of activity of the customer were considered. So, in a system separate accounting of transactions with transit and own scrap is implemented. At reflection of operations on transportation of scrap account of numbers of cars and railway tariffs is kept. For the purposes of management accounting in a system data on scrap are stored in a way, the moment of transition of the property right to scrap is registered. Transactions of receipt and shipment of scrap are followed by execution of acceptance acts. In a system account of technology losses and also the cost accounting on storage of scrap is kept.

The implemented modules: Production management, cost accounting; Sales planning, productions, purchases, costs; Sales management, purchases and stocks; Product data management (including specifications); Cash management and settlement; Accounting and the regulated reporting; Personnel records; Payroll calculation, bonus; Settling with advance holders; Calculation of cost of internal services;

During the project processes of management of orders and purchases, including on remote platforms were automated; product data management (specification); planning and sales management and production; management of fixed assets; accounting, payroll calculation and settlings with advance holders; accounting of overalls and special equipment. Now a system works in the mode of commercial operation in 30 workplaces.

Further it is going to automate tax accounting, budgeting, pricing, to implement IFRS, to expand the analysis methods on costs allowing to see the daily average price on platforms by suppliers, to improve management of external loading on remote platforms. It is supposed that as a result automation will cover 40 jobs.

According to the customer, as a result of implementation the management of the enterprise got access to operational information about settlement, a remaining balance, sales, costs. The program allows to organize accounting of the movement of transit and purchasing scrap, costs for its storage; analyze structure of cost value, costs and profits; exercise operational management of profitability on accumulative and shipping platforms; regulate personnel duties. Due to planning of income and expenses and more effective management of financial flows the enterprise expects increase in profit approximately for 10%.