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Docker Datacenter

Developers: Docker, Inc
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016/02/12
Last Release Date: 2017/02/14
Technology: PaaS - Platform As A Service - the Business platform as service,  Development tools of applications


2017: Docker Datacenter 1.13.1

On February 13, 2017 the Docker company announced gain of the OpenSource-engine of containers and a supported platform of Docker Datacenter functions for strengthening of security of containers and protection of their secrets.

Secrets in the context of container applications are access tokens, passwords and the other information connected with the privileges of access which should contain in secret. The engine of containers, of January 19, 2017, contains control function in release of Docker 1.13 secrets which gained development in updating of Docker 1.13.1 from February 8, 2017[1].

Control function by secrets should appear also in Docker Datacenter updating announced on February 9, 2017 which is based on Docker 1.13.1.

As we deliver the platform, we need to help users with protection of applications and secrets which are used by applications well.

Nathan McCauley, director of Docker of security

In terms of installation, access to secrets can have the selected applications working in a cluster of Docker-engines which is called by "swarm".

The applications working in one infrastructure should not know each other secrets, they should know only those secrets which are specially authorized for access.

Nathan McCauley

The main difference of control function by secrets in updating of Docker 1.13.1 open source and its analog in Docker Datacenter - existence in the last of additional access control. The cluster of Docker supports access control for the applications needing access to secrets at start in a cluster.

Additional possibility of Docker Datacenter is access control for the developers and administrators interacting with a system. Therefore you can appoint secrets to a certain group, then it will be allowed to them to appoint secrets to own applications.

Nathan McCauley

Access control on the basis of roles in updating of Docker Datacenter can be integrated with the operating corporate systems of identification as Microsoft Active Directory.

The simple protected storage of secrets is not enough for their security - there is still a potential risk of their leak through the application. Security of applications will be higher when really the secret is not kept in the application.

In this regard Docker ciphers the centralized storage of secrets in a cluster and all transfer of secrets to containerized applications happens on the Transport Layer Security (TLS) tunnels. Secrets are available to applications only through RAM and do not remain in an individual segment of data storage of a container of the application.

2016: Docker Datacenter

For February 23, 2016 Docker Datacenter is the integrated CaaS-platform (Containers-as-a-Service) operating in infrastructure private (OpenStack or VMware) or a public (AWS) cloud, on local servers.

On February 23, 2016 the developer company announced start of service. The technology provides complex support of container applications throughout all development cycle and operation of products.

Representation of integration of the existing corporate systems as a part of DDC, (2016)

Docker Datacenter (DDC) combines open components, like Docker Engine and Docker Swarm, with the commercial offers Docker Universal Control Plane and Docker Trusted Registry.

The product is focused on representation to the DevOps model - it provides big freedom of action for developers, leaving to IT administrators of a possibility of control over functioning of corporate infrastructure.
