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Magnetom Vida (MRT-system)

Developers: Siemens Healthineers (ранее Siemens Healthcare)
Date of the premiere of the system: February, 2017


2017: Announcement

At the end of February, 2017 the Siemens Healthineers company announced the high-performance magnetic and resonant Magnetom Vida tomograph equipped with new technology thanks to which system operation adapts under each person.

The producer calls Magnetom Vida the first MRT-scanner in which the corporate technology of scanning BioMatrix is implemented. Thanks to it the equipment, considering anatomic and physiological features of people, conducts more exact examinations of all patients and provides visualization in very high resolution that is very important for selection of the correct methods of treatment of these or those diseases. BioMatrix marks paradigm shift in MRT-visualization and new level of automation and focus with the patient, says the producer.

Magnetom Vida MRT-system

A MRT-system with magnetic field strength 3 Tesla is positioned by the most perfect in the class in terms of speed, clinical flexibility and a range of solvable diagnostic tasks.

In the device the mechanisms allowing to avoid rescanning are implemented. Thanks to it medical institutions can save up to 100 thousand euros a year, Siemens Healthineers notes.

The built-in solution BioMatrix Interfaces accelerates process of scanning for 30% due to automatic arrangement of the patient on a table. During inspection of cervical department of a backbone the intellectual technology which independently sets optimal operation parameters of a system on the basis of individual anatomy of the patient without additional interaction with it is activated.

According to the head of division of Siemens Healthineers Magnetic Resonance Imaging Christoph Zindel, Magnetom Vida solves the main problems of MRT: a large number of inspections, complexity of scanning and the growing expenses.

The first copy of Magnetom Vida is located and tested in university clinic of the city of Tuebingen in Germany. Clinical trials of the equipment began in December, 2016.[1]

See Also
