Customers: Telecom Express (outsourcing call center) Moscow; Consulting, including management and human resources Contractors: ITERBI (Ayterbi) Product: Software Asset Management (SAM)Project date: 2017/01 - 2017/03
The consulting company ITERBI completed in the spring of 2017 the Microsoft SAM Services project in Telecom-Express company. Inventory of program infrastructure will allow to develop the long-term development strategy of the company.
"The telecom Express" — contact center in Russia which services more than 150 Russian and foreign organizations use. For customer service the company uses own technology platform integrating different IT solutions, including software products of Microsoft. The ITERBI company as the participant of the affiliate program of Microsoft Partner Network with the status Gold Software Asset Management, assisted in project implementation of SAM according to infrastructure of Microsoft.
"In projects we often face difficult and separate IT infrastructures — [Vitvitsky Anton]], the head of IT consulting of ITERBI company says. — Our purpose was to provide to specialists Telecom Express complete and exact information about the purchased licenses and an installed software correctly to appoint and distribute the available assets, and then to buy in addition missing. As a result it will help to optimize costs for IT infrastructure, to select the scheme of licensing and to reduce legal risks".
Within the project consultants of ITERBI inspected more than 1700 workstations and about 250 server installations that allowed to reveal a current status of the unrolled software. On the basis of the acquired information experts of ITERBI prepared a detailed report and recommendations how to optimize processes of management of software of lifecycle and also what program of corporate licensing it is better for specialists to select Telecom Express.