Customers: Accounts Chamber of the Russian federation Product: FSIS (individual development) Second product: Corporate portal - projects of upgrade Project date: 2014/03 - 2015/09
Content |
- Exception of duplication of control actions of bodies of financial control
- Ensuring necessary frequency of holding control actions
- Formation of information on monitoring procedure in the structured type
- Planning of actions of control taking into account the organization of internal departmental control
- Possibility of obtaining by authorities of information on carrying out financial control
- Use of results of control actions by different bodies of financial control
- Positive influence of a factor of publicity of results of control on observance of provisions of the NPA
- Providing information on implementation of the state (municipal) financial audit (control);
- Analysis of planning and results of activity of bodies of the state (municipal) financial control
- Providing information on the measures for elimination of the allowed violations taken by objects of audit (control)
- Maintaining the qualifiers and reference books allowing to aggregate diverse information on control activity
- Maintaining the qualifiers and reference books allowing to aggregate diverse information on control activity
Differentiation of functions and powers
"Open part"
- Formation of the analytical reporting under the configured templates in different cuts about results of financial control
- Viewing representations, instructions, notifications on application of budget enforcement measures
- Viewing the published data on requirements and the measures taken for elimination of violations
- Interaction with control bodies by participation in polls
"The closed part"
Placement and viewing information and documents:
- plans and results of control activity
- the measures taken for elimination of violations
- about other activity of control bodies
- electronic documents (acts, reports, conclusions, representations, instructions, etc.)
Obtaining information which is absent in "an open part" including:
- plans of control actions;
- acts, reports, conclusions about holding control actions)
Participants of the portal
Main reference books and qualifiers
- Types of control actions
- Uniform classification signs of violations
- Regulatory legal acts
- Registers of the organizations
- Qualifier of violations
- Types of budgetary and other funds
The reference book "Types of Budgetary Funds" is developed taking into account provisions:
- Budget code of the Russian Federation;
- Instructions on an order of use of budget classification of the Russian Federation.
- Federal laws on the federal budget, federal laws on budgets of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, etc.