Information technologies
Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Zabaykalsky Krai, Stroiteley Avenue 5, "Business center"
Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Zabaykalsky Krai, Stroiteley Avenue 5, "Business center"
ArgunSoft group – the official partner of 1C Company since 1998.
The main activity of ArgunSoft Group is implementation and comprehensive software support and 1C services. Work on regular user support is built according to strict internal regulations, relevant requirements of the Standard of information and technology maintenance of products of the line of 1C: Enterprise.
Main activities:
- Maintenance of users of programs 1C for the Standard of information and technology support of 1C Company;
- Sale, adaptation and implementation of software products and services 1C;
- Obcheniye of users to work with programs and services 1C;
- Complex automation of financial and economic activity predpriyatiq based on software products 1C;
- Consultations on work in program 1C and methodology of accounting in 1C for the budget and commercial organizations.