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Komtek: MedBox

Developers: Komtek
Last Release Date: 2016/12/12
Branches: Internet services,  Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Telemedicine service

2017: The Internet doctor - service of video consultations

On April 12, 2017 the Komtek company announced start of service of video consultations Internet doctor on the platform of online-record to the doctor of MedBox. The service allows to hold consultations with foreign specialists.

Screenshot of the software window, (2016)

Each patient, irrespective of the place of residence, can receive video consultation of the profile medical specialist. The doctor himself can be connected to the platform from any country.

For the beginning of 2017 in MedBox 60 thousand personal accounts of patients are already registered, more than 50 thousand doctors, through service are provided (the website and mobile application) was created more than 1.5 million making an appointment to medics. Also on the platform patients are given an opportunity of interactive maintaining a personal medical card. According to the company, daily the site is visited by 10 thousand unique visitors. To the doctor or other representative of medical institution to use the MedBox platform, it is necessary to be registered in a personal account of the specialist and to enter the data. And those who already uses the platform for inclusion of a possibility of remote consultation of patients by drawing up the schedule of acceptances need to note the corresponding point in the personal account.

The minimum commission of Internet-vrach service makes 500 rub, the cost of the most video consultation is configured by the doctor by drawing up a price with MedBox. Before consultation the doctor can be trained, having studied those data, which were loaded into the medical record by the patient, and after to attach the recommendations to a meditsinskoykarta.

It is possible to use service through MedBox IOS-APPLICATION. On the platform patients are given an opportunity of interactive maintaining a personal medical card.

2010: Start of service of online record on consultation to the doctor

In 2010 KOMTEK of the first in the country started online-service of record to the doctor of MedBox - the multifunction platform with a personal account of the doctor and cloud MIS (Medical Information System) for clinics. Also using service it is possible to browse availability of preferential medicines in pharmaceutical points, to look at ceiling prices for VED, to call the doctor on the house. It is the platform in the Russian market which includes several similar functions at once. is the system of Internet record which allows each insured inhabitant to register in appointment in medical institutions.

Systems capabilities "The Internet is registry"

The patient can execute in the automatic mode:

  • making an appointment to doctors of clinics and to specialists of advisory offices of hospitals;
  • viewing the schedule of work of doctors and existence of coupons on acceptance;
  • possibility of viewing and canceling of earlier made making an appointment both on the Internet, and through registry and the terminal;
  • refining of section which the patient treats;
  • viewing a remaining balance of preferential medicines in drugstores;
  • viewing maximum allowed retail prices for VED.
  • registration in Personal account' with a possibility of viewing the available acceptances, the directions on laboratory researches, physiotreatment (Fiziolecheniye service at a development stage), prescriptions of medicines on the medical organizations.

Screenshot of a window of service, (2017)

These opportunities are available to patients in the automatic mode. Participation of operators of registries is not required.

Properties of The Internet — Registry system

  • the system of Internet making an appointment represents the convenient web portal which allows to register in acceptance for 5 simple steps, having minute of free time;
  • a system integrates making an appointment through registry, the terminal and the Internet that allows the doctor to see the list of all patients written on acceptance by any of methods;
  • the system of Internet record is directed to increase in availability of medical care and satisfaction of patients.

"Internet registry" can be delivered by a separate product or be integrated into the operating medical information system (MIS).

In case of system implementation Internet registry making an appointment to specialists of organization will be performed via the web portal

That record on the Internet was available also on the website of organization, the system module Internet registry can be implemented, as into the operating website of organization, and the website which is specially developed for a system.