Customers: UniCredit Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: RB technologies (RB teknolodzhis) Product: Finastra Kondor Trade ProcessingSecond product: Finastra Fusion Risk Third product: Oracle Database 12c Project date: 2016/07 - 2017/11
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"Ledger" is postponed for the Oracle platform
On December 6, 2017 the company RBtechnologies announced transfer of a system of own development Ledger from DB2 platform for DBMS Oracle century UniCredit Bank.
This project is one of the main structural IT projects executed by Bank and carries on tradition of successful IT transformation of systems.
Within the project transition to a management system for the database is made (with DB2 on Oracle), adaptation of a program code of global accounting procedures is executed. Migration and data purification is executed (the number of clients – 2,500,000, the number of active accounts – 14,000,000). Integration services are processed: about 15 flows of integration with the product systems, corporate storage and the system of formation of the client statement. One of project deliverables is reduction of a closing time of trading day that provided more earlier providing data to the reporting systems and calculation of an obligatory daily form (Form 701) by 9 a.m. in the morning.
The Ledger system is a core of architecture of applications of bank, is intended for accounting process automation, provides storage and processing of credentials on transactions according to requirements of financial accounting of the Bank of Russia, IFRS, the internal management reporting. Separation of accounting and product layers allows to isolate the product systems from accounting functions unusual for them, to accelerate product introduction upon the demand of business. In difference from classical architecture when account is kept in the product systems, the scheme with removal of an accounting layer in the specialized solution significantly cuts down expenses and time for implementation of changes in requirements of Bank of Rossi, IFRS and internal accounting of Bank.
"Transition to the platform gives to Bank the serious advantages provided with use of modern and failsafe DBMS, existence of ample opportunities for flexible and operational configuration of a system under requirements of Bank". Evgeny Shatokhin, project director of RBtechnologies |
Back office automation equipment
On April 26, 2017 the RBtechnologies company announced an implementation project of technology of automation of a back office of treasury of Misys FusionCapital and Kondor + to TradeProcessing (K+TP) in UniCredit Bank.
Project Progress
Architectural concept was separation of functions of a back office from accounting and selection of a separate transformational layer on the basis of technology of accounting (Accounting Engine) which assumed function of ensuring process of automation of accounting under RAS[1].
Staff of RBtechnologies implemented the basic project functions:
- developed business requirements to Misys K+TP system implementation;
- performed tuning of business functions of a system;
- developed data models of show-windows of the data warehouse taking into account requirements for structure of the indicators necessary for preparation of all types of the reporting, having provided "succession", optimization and development of a system of reporting;
- configured rules of generation of accounting; made "business integration" and necessary completions of Misys K+TP, Accounting Engine, the corporate data warehouse and the adjacent systems;
- organized acceptance tests.
Project Results
Result of implementation of Kondor+Trade Processing:
- reduction of quantity of the systems used for ensuring accounting of transactions in financial markets;
- decrease in labor costs on processing of transactions;
- acceleration of processing of transactions (by separate types of transactions — several times) thanks to the optimized business processes;
- ensuring regular product output and functions without staff increase;
- decrease in operational risks with simultaneous quality improvement of processing of transactions in financial markets.
In bank parallel manual entry of transactions in the front office and back office systems is stopped, automatic reconciliation of Front-vs-Back is implemented. Intrasystem accounting of general agreements and framework agreements (ISDA, RISDA, interbank agreements on FXMM, etc.) for the purpose of the automatic analysis and accounting of conditions of agreements in processing of the transaction is implemented: from check of the fact of existence of the signed agreement and compliance of type of the transaction to its conditions before automatic formation of confirmation to the partner in the corresponding format SWIFTPDF (/).
Are implemented:
- automatic back office functions of control;
- STP processing of operations on the stock exchange, number of conversion and deposit transactions.
Formation of the repository reporting in NSD on the basis of sdelochny information, a system of accounting of general agreements and framework agreements is automated. Accounting of transactions in financial market according to requirements of the Bank of Russia, internal accounting of the professional participant is automated (39-FZ).
Misys FusionCapital of K+TP is integrated with the master system of maintaining client information, it provided reuse of client information in a system (updating online) and, as a result, automation of accounting of validity periods of tax release of nonresident clients, decisions of FTS and other essential client data. The possibility of report generation from the K+TP system (audit, statistics) for use is implemented by a back office and other divisions of bank.
Implementation time of products is reduced.
Processes of registration, transfer and storage of information necessary for the analytical purposes of bank and also for implementation of new standards of the reporting (IFRS) are optimized. For example, questioning of products of financial market according to new IFRS9 standard.
As a result of implementation of Misys FusionCapital of K+ TR bank had an opportunity to work with a set of the financial instruments used by bank in the Russian and international markets optimized functions of control over operational risks, provided a possibility of installation of control facilities on each processing stage of transactions.
Such difficult complex project as implementation of Misys K+TP in UniCredit Bank which included change, setup and integration of all adjacent systems, completion of the data warehouse and the automation system of accounting of the obligatory reporting, demanded presence of standards of competences at our experts and project managers, and at employees from the customer. Konstantin Zubov, managing partner of RBtechnologies |
By means of system implementation the bank started product factory on transactions in the currency, monetary markets and the market of the derivative financial instruments which functionality provides registration and accounting of all types of the bargains concluded by financial institution in the Russian and international financial markets.