Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Cards by request of SK Press publishing house

Customers: SK Press

Moscow; Media, television and radio broadcasting

Project date: 2017/01  - 2017/03

Geocentre-Consulting Ltd prepared for printing cards by request of SK Press publishing house

As a result of agreement performance cards on the central part of the city of Moscow within the Boulevard ring in the English and Chinese languages were prepared. On cards the main attractions of the city are specified and signed. The prepared data are planned to the publication as a part of the annex to the Vysoky Polet magazine intended for distribution among air passengers and tourists arriving in Moscow.

Geocentre-Consulting Ltd executes a full stroke of publishing works: assignment of rights on use, preparation for printing, printing of any kinds of cartographic carriers (maps, atlases, etc.), and if necessary delivery of the made materials to the Customer.