Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2017/05/29 14:54:08

Smart shop (Smartstore)

The smart shop (engl. Smartstore) is the concept describing the principle of automation of retail marketplaces using technologies of Internet of Things (IoT). For automation RFID tags, POS terminals, smart carts, video cameras, Big Data technology and many other things can be used. As a result, retailers have ample opportunities on business process optimizations and quality improvements of service of the clients. For example, using RFID tags and specialized software it is possible to control in real time: what goods were removed from the shelf what of them were submerged in carts what were paid at the checkout when the expiration date of goods etc. Smart shop – the future of retail comes to an end .

Functionality of smart shop

Smart shops give to retail retail chain stores the following advantages:

  • An opportunity to considerably cut down staff;
  • Reduce a salary expenditure;
  • Reduce the extent of queues at the checkout due to faster customer service;
  • Increase loyalty of buyers at the expense of high-quality service and preparation of personal discount offers;
  • Optimize costs for logistics in trading floors – retailers have an opportunity to know precisely in what points of a trading floor and in what quantity to spread these or those goods;
  • Reduce an error probability and abuses of personnel.

Among the main shortcomings of the concept it is possible to select the following:

  • Essential expenses on re-equipment of trading floors;
  • Complexity of development of effective methods of protection of goods against theft and vandalism;
  • Big costs for maintenance of smart solutions;
  • Impossibility to completely secure smart solutions of external intervention (a problem of cyberthreats);
  • High dependence on electronics which at any time can fail.
