Customers: RTI
Contractors: SAP CIS Product: SAP S/4HANAНа базе: SAP HANA (High Performance Analytic Appliance) Second product: SAP HANA (High Performance Analytic Appliance) Project date: 2017/03
On June 2, 2017 at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum SAP CIS and RTI Concern announced signing of the memorandum of cooperation. Its purpose — development of the joint programs and initiatives directed to upgrade of the domestic industry of microelectronics and also development of high-tech solutions in the context of the Industry 4.0.
Among priorities — reengineering of production at the enterprises of RTI Concern using technologies of SAP and the latest approaches to digital transformation of business. In this direction implementation of release of SAP S/4 enterprise management system and the SAP HANA platform intended for processing of data bulks, analytics and development of business applications is discussed.