The social insurance fund implemented the Russian ECM instead of Documentum, having saved the interface
Customers: Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation Moscow; Government and social institutions Contractors: Corus Consulting Product: EDMS satelliteProject date: 2017/08 - 2017/12
Project's budget: 59 600 000 руб.
Number of licenses: 25000
Project Completion
In January, 2018 announced Corus Consulting project completion on replacement of electronic document management based on Documentum in the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) on a new system. The solution is based on components of the free software and on an ECM system Sputnik of own development of Corus Consulting.
EDMS is used in central office of the Social Insurance Fund and 85 regional departments, including branches and the rehabilitation centers. According to Corus Consulting, as of January, 2018 25 thousand users of fund have access to a system.
The Social Insurance Fund tell that EDMS based on Documentum (version 6.7) was started in 2013 and was expected work of 12 thousand users, and for its further distribution on branches of regional departments and the centers of rehabilitation of fund purchase in addition of 10-12 thousand licenses was required.
The Documentum system had restrictions on the number of licenses that did not allow to develop EDMS in branches and the centers of rehabilitation. Since 2018 in uniform EDMS earned all structural divisions of Fund, - told TAdviser in the Social Insurance Fund. |
Open Source components as a basis of new EDMS were one of key requirements of the Social Insurance Fund to a new system, the terms of reference follow from project. On what open solutions a system Sputnik is based, in Corus Consulting did not specify TAdviser. At the same time, in the company told TAdviser that for creation of a system in the Social Insurance Fund are used by 194 Open Source of library. Among them - Lucene (free library for high-performance full-text search for Apache fund), Solr (the platform of full-text search open source based on the Apache Lucene project), JUnit (library for modular software testing in the Java language), etc.
Among the migration reasons on Open Source - following to state policy of import substitution, reduction in cost of ownership of EDMS, reducing costs for scaling of a system - on purchase of new licenses for the connected users.
At the expense of the solution based on Open Source the fund could connect to uniform EDMS of new users having saved considerable funds for support and development of a system and also fulfilled the requirements of the program for import substitution, note in the Social Insurance Fund.
The interface of new EDMS repeats the interface old, the customer had not to retrain users, the developer reports. Preserving of the interface was one of requirements of the customer, agrees project terms of reference: "the interface should remain invariable for users".
In addition to implementation of opportunities of already operating EDMS on Open Source, also development of functionality of a system was required. In a new system, Corus Consulting states, the new features expanding the head's tools on control of performing discipline and work with instructions are implemented, the preview of files of investments directly from the browser became available to the user, possibilities of administrators on setup of branches of the organization were expanded.
According to terms of reference, replacement of Documentum by components of Open Source was made on the application server and on the content server. "A mobile workplace" the Social Insurance Fund is not going to transfer the server of conversion and stream scanning which is a part of the solution EDMS and a subsystem to Open Source, follows from technical specifications. A client part of the last is based on components of Apple and not supporting work with Open Source, the Social Insurance Fund explains. On the proprietary software there will be also a subsystem of the electronic signature since in it "the functionality of the Russian cryptoproviders certified by FSB" is used.
The software of the database server is not going to transfer to components of Social Insurance Fund Open Source also yet. The fund explains it in terms of reference with the fact that EDMS uses a cluster solution of Oracle databases of Exadata together with other information systems of the organization.
At the same time, told TAdviser in the Social Insurance Fund, the fund plans to implementation electronic archive for Open Source and also use of a DB of PostgreSQL is considered.
Contractor Selection
Purchase of works on replacement of electronic document management based on Documentum on the free software with the starting price of 60 million rubles of the Social Insurance Fund placed at the end of June, 2017[1]. In addition to Corus Consulting, suggested to execute the project for 59.6 million rubles, also the ID-Management Technologies company applied for the contract. The last did not reduce the starting price of the contract. The winner it was defined by Corus Consulting.
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