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Bee Pitron (1C: Enterprise 8.0)

Customers: Bee Pitron

St. Petersburg; Information technology

Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2009/09
Number of licenses: 70


  • The number of the automated places - 70
  • Date of input of the first module in pry. operation there is 2008-12-01 0:00:00 am
  • Additional information - Version 8 1.2

The implemented subsystems: Sales management; purchase management; inventory management; accounting and tax accounting; cash management; management of settlement; normative system (specifications, production technologies, etc.); production management; payroll; personnel management.

The St. Petersburg division of 1C: Accounting and Trade company announces (BIT) a successful completion of the project on automation of Bee Pitron Group. The created unified information system based on 1C:Enterprise 8 integrated 70 jobs and allowed to reduce number of commodity costs in warehouses, to twice increase performance of work of managers of sales departments and logistics and also to facilitate work of employees on production.

Premises to automation and project tasks

Growth of business and expansion of Bee Pitron Group resulted in need for complex business process automation of one of the largest enterprises of group of companies – separate databases could not provide to company management a full-fledged picture of work of the enterprise any more. A choice was made for benefit of a reliable ERP system of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform developed taking into account specifics of the Russian market and having wide functionality.

The following tasks which need to be solved in implementation process of the project were defined:

  • • Automate production and trade processes of the company;
  • • Optimize work of sales managers and logistics in workplaces taking into account industry specifics;
  • • Develop additional functionality for drawing up the internal reporting of sales managers and logistics;
  • • Adjust accounting, having adapted it for specifics of activity of the company;
  • • Develop the scheme of settlement with the staff of the company;
  • • Plan development of further use of the ERP system by the company.

Project Results

Automation of blocks on sales management and purchases allowed to set operating control behind a status of orders of buyers and suppliers. To avoid repeated information input at reflection of statuses of orders, the scheme of automatic translation of the order from one stage of execution for another is created. Taking into account experience of activity of Bee Pitron the necessary additional reporting is developed for control of terms of shipment of goods, an order status, and other questions, relevant for managers, which allows them to make decisions on working questions quickly.

Besides, specialists of BIT company implemented the specialized interfaces of the automated jobs of managers of departments of logistics and sales including advanced functionality. The created interfaces allow to trace all way of the specific order from a warehouse to the buyer, and, thus, to control a goods turnover, transport transactions and accomplishment of orders. Thanks to convenience of work with interfaces also time expenditure is reduced by execution of documentation on orders. In general, implementation of management subsystems sales and purchases reduced time of processing of each order that increased performance of work of sales managers and logistics of the enterprise twice.

Implementation of the block on inventory management allowed to manage a remaining balance of inventory items within sales, purchases and finished product output. It allowed to reduce number of commodity costs in warehouses and to lower time expenditure on assembly of the order to shipment to the client.

Control automation by settlement allowed Bee Pitron LLC to trace quickly the debts of partners, to carry out the analysis of a status of debt on any timepoint and to predict financial receipts. Within the block of a normative system in the company information base of handbook data about structure of production, technologies and production resources is created, selection of materials in documents of release is automated that increased the speed of their filling. Use of a normative system allowed to facilitate work of staff of Bee Pitron company on production.

Thanks to implementation of a management subsystem production there was an opportunity to obtain analytical and operational information about use of resources, production, about the value and structure of cost value of the made products. The cost accounting on finished product output owing to what an opportunity quickly appeared to calculate cost value is organized. The company management timely receives an operational picture on the state of affairs on production, exercises careful control and forecasting of further work.

The CEO of Bee Pitron company, Alekseev Illarion Stepanovich, estimates project deliverables

'It is very pleasant to work with specialists of the case. The project on automation is executed in agreed terms. We received the convenient complex tool for accounting, management and control of activity of our company. The unified information system "clearly" reflects work of all divisions Bee Pitrona owing to what we can plan and predict more surely development of own business even in the most difficult economic conditions.'