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Nucleus 7 (acoustical implant)

Developers: Cochlear
Date of the premiere of the system: July, 2017

2017: Announcement

At the end of July, 2017 the Australian company Cochlear announced as it claims, the first-ever cochlear implant with direct support of mobile devices of Apple. The solution under the name Nucleus 7 allows deafs not only to listen to music and to call from IOS-GADGETS, but also it is easy to manage audio playback.

Cochlear implant — the medical device allowing to offset hearing loss to some patients with the expressed or heavy degree of neurotouch (sensonevralny) relative deafness. Nucleus 7 transfers audiocontent with iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to the sound processor implanted in the patient's head during surgery.

Nucleus 7

It is remarkable that use of such adaptation does not require installation of the additional software and the equipment: the prosthesis is synchronized with the mobile device in the regular section of settings as normal Bluetooth earphones. The previous models of acoustical implants Cochlear could also broadcast a sound from smartphones and tablets, however for this purpose it was required external for Bluetooth transmitter which needed to be carried on a neck.

The producer calls Nucleus 7 the smallest and easy cochlear implant in the world compatible to mobile devices. By July 28, 2017 innovation is approved for sale by the Food and Drug Administration of the USA (FDA).

Approval of Nucleus 7 became the sign moment for the people who lost hearing as this event opens for them a door to phone calls, listening of music in high stereoquality, to watching movies and video calls of FaceTime directly through a cochlear implant — the CEO of Cochlear Chris Smith says. — This new sound processor became a part of our old obligations to help many people who lost hearing to communicate with others and to lead full-fledged life.

The beginning of sales of Nucleus 7 is planned for September, 2017. The product price at the time of the announcement is not set.[1]
