The name of the base system (platform): | IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT) |
Developers: | IBM |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2017/08/03 |
Technology: | Cybersecurity - Information loss preventions, cybersecurity - the Fraud detection system (fraud), cybersecurity - Information management and events in a security system (SIEM), Internet of Things of Internet of Things (IoT) |
Services in testing of security of the solutions focused on the automobile industry and Internet of Things (IoT) are provided by researchers of division IBM X-Force Red — specialists in the field of testing of the backend-processes, applications and the equipment used for control over access and management of the "smart" systems.
Services in the field of Internet of Things will be provided as the addition to the Watson IoT Platform platform. Thus, developer companies of IoT-solutions for the different industries will have an opportunity at a stage of design to consider requirements for information security.
Skills and experience of the X-Force Red command in a combination with opportunities of Watson IoT Platform will allow to provide customers with all necessary components for a full stroke of development of the IoT-solution: from design before implementation.
Features of approach IBM X-Force Red
Cooperation with producers of cars and suppliers of component parts allowed IBM X-Force Red to save up necessary examination and to approach programmatically services of testing and consultation. Main objectives of automobile practice are preparation and exchange of the best cases in the industry and standardization of protocols of security.
The quantity of the interconnected components and systems in the vehicle can contain hundreds or thousands of units. At the same time each element has the safety management system and possible vulnerabilities. When these components are combined and connected to mobile applications and external servers, the total number of potential vulnerabilities for the car exceeds the amount of vulnerabilities of each its part. In view of this fact, IBM X-Force Red also system testing for all vehicle holds separate system testing of security for each element.
Features of Watson IoT Platform
Watson IoT Platform adheres to approach of security by design when requirements of a security system are considered at a design stage also product developments that means the built-in instruments of data protection. The platform is provided as a cloud service and conforms to ISO27001 standards adopted in the industry.
Watson IoT Platform optimized possibilities of safety of IoT-services thanks to connection to the platform of the solution Threat Intelligence for IoT. The offered functions allow customers to visualize critical risks in the IoT-environment and to configure processes of automation taking into account usage policy. Thus, specialists will be able to distribute operational responses to the incidents connected with Internet of Things on priority.
2017: Announcement of services
On August 3 the division of IBM Security announced creation of two departments of practice on testing of security of the solutions focused on the automobile industry and Internet of Things (IoT).
Probability of introduction of vulnerabilities into the existing systems remains unacceptably high as 58% of the organizations test the applications of Internet of Things only at an implementation stage, noted in IBM. Use of Watson IoT Platform will allow to configure a configuration and management of IoT-Wednesdays, and IBM X-Force Red services add an additional test stage of a security system and protection against unauthorized access.
According to us, for the last year testing of security systems became a key component which customers turn on in programs of information security — Charles Henderson, the head of department IBM X-Force Red told. — It is much more profitable to find errors in products and services at a stage of their design, than to incur losses from use by cybercriminals of vulnerabilities of a system. Our own investments into personnel, development of tools and expansion of examination increased testing system scale more than three times only for the first year of existence IBM X-Force Red. Such anticipatory measures — the best method of protection of customers. |
IBM X-Force Red transformed a testing approach of security of products, having paid attention to obvious defects in a security system of such technologies as IoT and the "connected" cars. Programming checks and testing on demand for all product lifecycle become optimal methods of search of vulnerabilities, consider in the company. Users of the Watson IoT Platform platform can use examination of division IBM X-Force Red in the field of security for own development and deployment of applications and services now.
IBM is a reliable IT partner in the field of IoT-solutions. It is not only about technology, but also about a global scope, investments and cooperation — James Murphy, the manager on offers of IBM Watson IoT Platform told. — Internet of Things gets into the most different segments of the industry therefore IBM integrates possibilities of Watson IoT Platform and talented security experts X-Force Red for the solution of the current and future problems. |
See Also
- Censorship on the Internet. World experience
- Censorship (control) on the Internet. Experience of China
- Censorship (control) on the Internet. Experience of Russia, Roskomnadzor
- Law on regulation of Runet
- VPN and privacy (anonymity, anonymizers)
- Protection of critical information infrastructure of Russia
- Law On security of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation
- National Biometric Platform (NBP)
- Single Biometric System (SBS) of these clients of banks
- Biometric identification (market of Russia)
- Directory of solutions and projects of biometrics
- Digital economy of Russia
- Information security of digital economy of Russia
- SORM (System for Operative Investigative Activities)
- State detection system, warnings and mitigations of consequences of the computer attacks (State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks)
- National filtering system of Internet traffic (NASFIT)
- Yastreb-M Statistics of telephone conversations
- How to bypass Internet censorship of the house and at office: 5 easy ways
- The auditor - a control system of blocking of the websites in Russia
- The Single Network of Data Transmission (SNDT) for state agencies (Russian State Network, RSNet)
- Data network of public authorities (SPDOV)
- Single network of telecommunication of the Russian Federation
- Electronic Government of the Russian Federation
- Digital economy of Russia
- Cyber crime in the world
- Requirements of a NIST
- Global index of cyber security
- Cyber wars, Cyber war of Russia and USA
- Cyber crime and cyber conflicts: Russia, FSB, National coordination center for computer incidents (NKTsKI), Information Security Center (ISC) of FSB, Management of K BSTM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, National Guard of the Russian Federation
- Cyber crime and cyber conflicts: Ukraine
- Cyber crime and cyber conflicts: USA, CIA, NSA, FBI, US Cybercom, U.S. Department of Defense, NATO, Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
- Cyber crime and cyber conflicts: Europe, ENISA
- Cyber crime and cyber conflicts: Israel
- Cyber crime and cyber conflicts: Iran
- Cyber crime and cyber conflicts: China
- As the USA spied on production of chips in the USSR
- Security risks of communication in a mobile network
- Information security in banks
- Digital transformation of the Russian banks
- Overview: IT in banks 2016
- The policy of the Central Bank in the field of data protection (cyber security)
- Losses of the organizations from cyber crime
- Losses of banks from cyber crime
- Trends of development of IT in insurance (cyberinsurance)
- Cyber attacks
- Overview: Security of information systems
- Information security
- Information security (world market)
- Information security (market of Russia)
- The main trends in data protection
- Software for data protection (world market)
- Software for data protection (the market of Russia)
- Pentesting (pentesting)
- Cybersecurity - Means of enciphering
- Cryptography
- VPN - Virtual private networks
- Security incident management: problems and their solutions
- Authentication systems
- Law on personal data No. 152-FZ
- Personal data protection in the European Union and the USA
- Quotations of user data in the market of cybercriminals
- Jackpotting
- Virus racketeer (encoder)
- WannaCry (virus racketeer)
- Petya/ExPetr/GoldenEye (virus racketeer)
- Malware (malware)
- APT - Targeted or target attacks
- DDoS and DeOS
- Attacks on DNS servers
- DoS-attacks on content delivery networks, CDN Content Delivery Network
- How to be protected from DDoS attack. TADetails
- Rootkit
- Fraud Detection System (fraud, fraud, fraud detection system)
- Solutions Antifraud directory and projects
- How to select an antifraud system for bank? TADetails
- Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
- Directory of SIEM solutions and projects
- Than a SIEM system is useful and how to implement it?
- For what the SIEM system is necessary and as it to implement TADetails
- Intrusion detection and prevention systems
- Reflections of local threats (HIPS)
- Confidential information protection from internal threats (IPC)
- Phishing, DMARC, SMTP
- Trojan
- Botha's botnet
- Backdoor
- Worms Stuxnet Regin
- Flood
- Information loss preventions (DLP)
- Skimming (shimming)
- Spam
- Sound attacks
- Antispam software solutions
- Classical file infectors
- Antiviruses
- Cybersecurity: means of protecting
- Backup system
- Backup system (technologies)
- Backup system (security)
- Firewalls