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Nokia 5G First

Developers: Nokia Corporation
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/02
Last Release Date: 2017/08
Branches: Telecommunication and communication
Technology: SCS

Technologies with early specifications 5G from Nokia company are a 5G of First.

On August 8, 2017 it became known of plans of Nokia - to implement solutions with early specifications 5G. The company will complement solutions 5G FIRST with specifications from protocol 3GPP 5G Phase I. The standard of radio interface 5G NR (New Radio) is expected at the beginning of 2018. It is intended for support of different devices and[1].

Nokia announced continuation of development and expansion 5G FIRST as the complete solution focused on distribution of a 5G using applications for the fixed and mobile communication. For this purpose Nokia should test a 5G in different practical scenarios. 5G FIRST, according to the statement of the company, yielded results in the field of:

  • uses of a radio communication at higher frequencies;
  • use of MIMO and beamforming technologies;
  • comparison of two approaches:
    • integration with the existing networks
    • deployments of a 5G as separate independent network;

  • uses of small cells in 5G networks;
  • estimates of opportunities of the cloud trunk and cloud computing of a radio access.

There are no doubts that the technology 5G has huge potential. Using solution 5G FIRST Nokia develops the strategy 5G for acceleration of the movement of the market to the applications based on standards. They can appear in 2019. For this purpose we need broad support from the different industries, and we urge the regulating and state bodies to release and give us the chance to use for tests of frequency in low - average and high-frequency ranges. It will allow to estimate comprehensively a 5G that all of us together could implement one of the most important technologies in the history of mankind. Technology which will make possible the fourth industrial revolution.

Marc Rouanne, head of department of mobile networks of Nokia

Access facilities to the cloud package trunk Cloud Packet Core Nokia and Shared Data Layer Nokia technology are a part 5G FIRST.
